My story

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"Anywhere you want." Erin says to me, nodding my head and looking up at her.

"So when I was younger in middle school I was always known as my brother's little sister, you understand where you coming from on that one right?" i say looking at her. She nods gestating for me to continue.

"So when i finally got to high school i became a rebel its like i turning into what i should have always been, with the help of my friends everyone called them deadly snakes of ShoadowsBrook. They were the towns deliquesce." I say smiling at the memories of being a deadly snake. "Wait hold up you were a deadly snake?" She asked with fear in her eyes."Yeah, whats wrong?" i said looking at her. "Nothing your just so sweet and nice i don't know how you coud've fit in with them." she exclaimed. "I was way different then then i am now, I've become the way was i was rebelling against my brother. You see my parent didn't care what i did, unless it involved the woods then they would flip out." i sighed.

"But i don't understand why they would move to somewhere, where this is woods in the back yard." I say looking out the window. "I think it might because we lived where there were lots of disappearance of and it was girls who looked like me and around my age, but they'd disappeared if they entered the woods few would come out alive but they couldn't speck afterwords, but enough about that back on topic, My brother hated the deadly snakes, and the deadly snakes hate him and his friends the protectors as we called them they were like our towns guardian angels. So it was prefect for me to be with them, i was there little daemonic flower. Or little demon for short they also called my the moons furry which i rather not get into today." I say smiled. She looked at me a little funny.

"We got in fights and sold, held and did drug basically anything illegally we were behind it. I was there good girl of the group I'd always get them out of a tough spot maybe that's why they held on to me and didn't just use me like they did other girl, i was the only girl in the group who wasn't dating the whole clan. I dated a few member off and on But, that's it." i said blushing and looking down and at my bed. "So is that why you went from brother to brother with out think, right.?" Erin said, then covering her mouth "I didn't mean that." She said.

I looked up at her "its okay, I kinda deserve that." I say looking up at her. "But i was a real ass to almost everyone, but i thought that i wont have to do that here Because i wont have my brother, but it turns out I'm wrong because he is in town, and i doubt he's leaving anytime soon." I say in a sigh.

"But i'm going be to stay who i am truly am, I'm not going to be a sweetheart 24/7 or a totally bitch, I'm going to be me, because that's who i am." i say with a smile. Erin laughed at me then said. "not really what i asked but I'm glad i got to hear about your past."

"Thanks Erin." i say as i pulling her into a hug.

Then randomly i heard American Idiot by green day starting to play. "And that would be Ryder gotta jet see you at school tomorrow Kay?" Erin said pulling back.

"Yea sure see you." i say staying up i watch Erin run out of room and out side.

I follow her down stairs and lock the door behind her. Looking at the clock "I guess i should un-pack a bit more." I say sighing. I walked up to my room and started going threw my boxes.and finding the rest of my clothes. As the hours passed by I grew bored of un-packing.

I looked outside and realized it's almost sun set. I ran up to my room, To grab a jacket, and to change into so warm jogging pants, I ran Back down the stairs and out into the cold.

I look into the woods to see nothing pushing the bored open and walking threw, running threw the forest as swiftly as I can, the snow was half way to my knee, I rushed as fast as I could then stop and listened when I found Ryder's and I tree I smiled then blushed remembering how I felt, I walked slowly listen to the water I walked along the bank of the almost frozen stream. I found the tree and sat at the roots. A waited for a moment before the black wolf appeared in front of me. I smiled at him and he stalked towards me . "Hey wolfie." I say smiling at he walks towards me, he lays beside me putting his head in my lap, I pet his fur."Wolfie is it bad that i miss my- well what you would call a pack." i ask him.

He looks up at me then shakes his head no. "thanks i guess, would you miss your pack if you left them?" I ask, he shakes his head yes. "Do you have a pack?" I ask, he nods his head yes."Would you get in trouble if you were found with me." I shook my head at myself "did I really just ask him that" I asked myself, then looked back to wolfie to see we was standing up looking into the woods, I listen carefully i could here growling, wolfie didn't remove his gaze from the woods but flicked his tail at me. I Standing up slowly I look into the distance and seeing wolves slowly appear. I looked back at wolfie then back into the distance where the wolves were coming from there were about 5-10 he wont be able to defend against all of them. Breathing in and out slowly. "What are we going to do wolfie." I say as the biggest wolf out of the group walks towards Wolfie. I dont move as it walks up to him, wolfie growls at the one wolf i step back but then then the other wolf growls at me. I stay still unsure of what to do. "Wolfie." I say slowly, he flicks his tail towards the tree then howls. I race towards it grabbing the branch and puing myself up onto it, the other wolves move back the big wolf that approached Wolfie move back then left. "Wolfie." I say as he walks around the tree then starts to walk away, I hop down wolfie turns to me then walks back to me when he reaches me he paws against my leg telling me to pet him. I smile at him then pet his head. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I say to wolfie, he shakes his head I nod then runs off in the other Direction. I smile at him and start to walk back home.

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