Littl Demon

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"So I'm dating Andy now." He says I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Oh my gosh you my Andy the hottie or crazy Andy?" I ask him.

"Andy the hottie." He says quietly.

"Oh my gosh you blushing I can tell." I say smirking

"Did you ask him out or did he ask you?" I ask with excitement.

"He asked me." He answers quietly.

"Yup and he was your right Rosie he is totally blushing right now." A new voice says.

"Oh my gosh Andy how much did you hear?" He says Andy.

"All of it babe." i hear Andy say.

"Oh ny gosh now im embaressed bye drew." i say before ending the call.

Erin walks into my room with her hair dripping wet. "Who were you on the phone with." she asks, before sitting on my bed.

"Oh just my friend from my old school." i say with a small smile.

"Oh..." was all Erin said.

"Erin are you okay?" i say.

"Yea I'm fine." She said "Do you miss them?" she asks. Where was all this coming from? We were laughing and having fun a half an hour ago.

"Miss who?" I say. "You mean my old friends? Yeah i miss then but i have new friends here and i enjoy that, sure i was upset when i 1st got here but i would've never met you and you have become like the sister i always needed." I say as i walk over to Erin.

" Plus your the only girl who actaully wants to be my friend." i say looking down thinking about my past at my old school with my brother."Tell me what happened, I can tell its time I know you might not want to ut its good to talk." Erin says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Your right its time to talk" i say sighing."


hehe just kidding


I sat on the corner of me bed and and Erin sat next to me, "So threw out my life until well high school I've been looked at as my brother's little sister, which I am but i hated people knowing me as just that. you understand were I'm coming from on that one, right." i say refering to the 1st day i had met her.

Even though its only been a few days of knowing her I've grown so close to her I feel like ive know her my whole life. "Right i still not getting what your point is but i understand what standing in a shadow feels like." She said with a sad smile.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and she nodded for me to continue. I noded back and continued. "So when i finally got to high school I had finally started making a name for myself I was nicknamed the little demon." I say smiling and looking down remembering all times my friends had called me.

"wait you were called the little Demon?" she asked in surprise, I guess i would be too I've been pretty nice well excepted to Blade that it, other then that I've been a pretty nice person.

"Yes I was kinda hard to beleive now right.?" I ask chuckling."You bet your balls I do!" Erin exlamed. I looking at her with the what the hell look before busting out in laughter. The look on her face and the action she had made at the moment will be in my memeory forever. She had her finger ponited at me and fake angry face. She held it for a few moments before blusting out in laughter as well.

"So I was called the little demon because I was friends well its a vary long and complcated story of how I got this name." I sigh, then say. "I'd have to talk about an ex who I hold dearly to my heart still." I say look down on my bed sheets.

"I understand if you dont want to walk about it but i really want to know why you are call the little demon, and about this ex-boyfriend." Erin says looking at me with empathy and somthing else i couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Okay where should i start?" I ask Erin.


OKay i know kill me!!! I shouldnt have teased you just to end here but I think its better if i do her story in another chapter which is beling posted in 5 minutes

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