what is happening

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I roll over in my bed hitting my alarm clock then, dragging my body upwards to look at the time, "fuck school" I say to myself then, getting up. I walk- well stagger over to the bathroom almost falling down twice. I walked in looking at my refection I patted down my hair before going to the cabinet grabbing a towel walking back to my room to grab my phone and speaker. I turned on I'm weird. I striping then climbing into the shower. Turning it on and doing my shower business, climbed out after i was done I wrapped my towel around me and walked back to my room taking my speaker and phone with me.

Walking into my room, i got to my dresser and grab a bra and panties put them on then go to my big mirror in my room and plug in my hair drier, I dry my hair then search my room for the "perfect" outfit. After about a half an hour of searching i found my favorite pair of black jeans my belt was white with little red apples on it, i also had my crown the empire t-shirt on with my ex boyfriends blue hoodie, along with my nerd glasses my jack skeleton beanie and black suspenders which i had hanging off my belt.

I walked back to the bath room and bit on a little bit of mascara and eyeliner, before heading down stairs and to the kitchen I opened my fridge and grabbed an apple out of it, I took my phone out of my pocket and say that i had a text from Landon

hey little sister <3

I looked at the text and shook my head, then replied to him.

What do you want Landon?

Well i kinda want food but i can't cook what so ever, so i was wondering if you could cook for me?

He asks.

Fine but you got clean up because i have school once you get here I'm leaving so you gotta wash then lock up.

I tell him

Fine yes, I missed your cooking.

I shake my head then walk to the cabinet and grab two pans, along with the eggs and some bacon i grabbed some bread.

About ten minutes later i was making french toast along with bacon, i hear a knock at the door i flip the french toast, then answer it. Standing at the door was a hungry looking brother, "God I could smell it from the car." Landon said.

"Wow no hi Rose or hi my most favorite person ever?" I said sarcastically.

"shhh woman where is the food at?" Landon says.

"No where with that attitude you big dolt!" I say glaring at him. He looks down at me, then chuckles.

"I'm sorry Rosie." He says then pulls me into a hug "I missed you little one." he says in a whisper. "I missed you Landon." I say softly back. "Come on Landon lets get you some food and, close the door its freezing out." I say as I walk away from him.

" Yes Rosie" He chuckles as he closes the before walking inside, and following me to the kitchen, I gave him his food and grab a piece of bacon off the plate, before walking towards the door when I felt Landon's hand wrap around my wrist stopping me in place. "Please tell me your not, not eating again that's not good for you Rose." Landon said. "No I'm not, I ate before you got here." I say referring to the apple I had earlier. "Okay I worry you know, well get to school moon princess and I won't be here when you come home promise." Landon said ushering me out the door. "haha, Alright idiot bye." I laugh as he references his child hood nickname for me, I grabbing my coat and bag as I walked out the door I take my keys out of my pocket and unlock my car.

I walked up to my car and strugged my coat on got into my car, I put the key in the ignition and the car revved to life. I plugged in my phone and clicked blow me by Jeffrey star. As i drove to school i sang the lyrics, the next song that came on was I'm weird by ghost town, i pulled up to the school parking lot. Parked my car turned of the engine, unplugged my phone from the car and into my headphone, i got out of my car and walked over to the school. I grabbed my stuff and walked over to Rin's locker where she was standing with Ryder. I walked over to them, "Hey guys, Rin dude your hair turned out awesome" I with a smile. "Hey Rosie" Ryder said with a half smile on his face, Rin slammed her locker and walked away. "D-did I do something to piss her off." i say as she walked off, "She's just in a mood." Ryder says as he starts to walk off, I quickly chase after him, "How was your drive." I ask Ryder. "Oh fucking wonderful, ill have to thank you for sending me off on adventure." He says laughing. "I think you mean you have Erin to thank for that." I say looking away, "Look i know you kissed Blade, and i don't really care, well i do but yeah, i wont tell him if you don't want me to, Ro." he says stopping in front of me, "I like you your different then any of the other girls who go here, well i mean not the bad different but the good different you really nice and uh...Rin seems to like you, and i feel very drawn to you well not drawn just something about you makes me want to know more about you and, sorry for rambling but what I'm trying to say-". "I like you too your nicer then most guys i know." I saying cutting him off. Ryder awkwardly scratches the back of his neck awkwardly "Well i was also wondering if you would like to go out with me on Friday, just to hangout i know your new and i wanna show you all the cool places in town if you want. We could get pizza." Ryder asks, I look up at him blushing.

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