Resons behind the blue

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(A/N this chapter has swearing u have been warned.)

Rose pov

I walked into school with Ryder because he said he would give me a drive. People kept looking at me and i was not a big fan of that. Girl's were glaring at me. Guys looked like they were mentally undressing me. i poked Ryder arm. He looked down at me.

"What is it Rose." Ryder said.

" Why Is everyone looking at me?" I whispered.

"Cause i don't let anyone but my sister ride my bike." He said with a chuckle.I heard the door slam open and close I turn around to see Blade there looking angry. With His crew following after him I see Erin following her brother. Everyone moved out of the way. I rolled my eyes and I saw my locker.

"Ryder, there's my locker lets go before for your brother king of the assholes comes near us." I said making my way over to my locker. We walked to my locker I opened it and grabbed the books I needed until I would come across my locker again. Which would be 3rd period.

"So Rose where is your 1st period class?" Ryder asked.

"Rose and I compared our class sheets and we are in every thing the same." Erin said.

"Oh ok cool so ill just be in the same classes till lunch." Ryder said smiling down at me.

"Lets go to class." I said grabbing my books and stated walking to 1st period.

-SKips to lunch- 

Me and Erin walk into the cafe and said down at the same tabel we were at yesterday.

"Hey Erin do you know any good places where i could get hair dye so i know for the future." i asked biting into my sandwich.

"Um Yeah ill there a hair and beauty store about 15 minutes from the school." Erin replied.

"Thanks." I said.

"Hey um.. Rose whats your natrual hair colour?" Erin asks me out of the blue.

"Really blond." i said. "Why did you dye it?" Erin randomly asks.

I give her a questioning look but then answered with "I wanted a new look I didn't want to blend in." that was only part of it I hide behind my makeup and glasses and hair dye. My nickname used to be 'moon's fury' because in my last town I was there was this legend that there was a the moon's daughter and two princes fell in love with her but she played with boys feelings and she cause them to fight and the moon sent here fury down on the brothers and made her daughter kill them and then cruse there reincarnations to fall for her again in 3000 years then the daughter went on crazy with rage no one could stop her so the moon brought her back to the moon and kept her locked up till the 3000 years were up. The moon's Daughter looked like me and I was an amazing fighter so the nickname was given to me.

"Why don't you let it go back to blonde?" Erin said.

"Never in a thousand years." I said with wide eyes.

"What if I bought you concert tickets to your fav band and VIP passes to meet the band?" Erin  tried to bribe me. 'sold to the lady with the red hair' the voice in the back of my head said.

"Miss Everheart a thousand years has past and I will take that deal.' I say smiling.

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggg, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggg, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggg signaled that lunch was over and we had to go to class.

*skips the rest of the day*

I walked out of school with Erin "So what band do you wanna see?" Erin said.

"Lets just go black veil brides there amazing  live." I say smiling.

"Done I love BVB im in the army." Erin says starting her car and putting in a CD.

"Then we shall see BVB" I say pushing play it started play pop goes punk we skipped it to bille jean cover by Breathe Carolina. then ass back home cover by secrets then PTV version of Just the way you are. As 'Just the way you are' is finishing we pulled up to my house.

"Wanna come in my parents left for there trip." I say smirking.

"Thought you never ask TGIF" Erin said walking inside with me.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask Erin.

"well lets watch movies....hunger games maybe." Erin said hopefully.

"You put the movie ill order pizza and make popcorn." I say typing in the digits for the pizza parlor.

"Hello, can I get 2 large pizza's one with just cheese and the other with cheese peperoni and bacon." I say.

"Would you like to make that a deal two more topping on the cheese pizza and you'll get two 2L pop bottles free." the person said.

"yeah put cheese and cheese oh and the pop one will be mountain dew and the other sprite." I say smirking.

"Okay your total will be 16.99." said the pizza person.   

"How long will the wait time be?" I ask.

"what is your address?" the person said

"2573 Wolfe street now how long." I say a little annoyed.

"In 30 minutes." the guy said.

"Thanks bye" I said hanging up.

"Pizza gonna be here in about 30 minutes." I say to Erin.

"Cool can I stay the night. I don't fell like going home." Erin said lazily.

"dude you live across the street." I say rolling my eyes.

"Great so that's a ?" Erin questions.

"Of course you can sleep over who am I gonna eat all pizza with im not that fat." I say laughing. 

"Can I steal pjs from you?" she asks me.

"Yeah sure follow me." I say walking up the stairs. I walk into my room and tossed her a sweat shirt that said new Youk  a beannie and some swaets and i put on  a sweat shirt that said tomboy, a beannie  and sweats that say bou down the side of one of the pant legs

the door bell rung and there stood Jake Green with my pizza's.

*sorry that I haven't update in a while just been I made this one longer worked all night on it... love you my bitches bye <3*

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