the next day

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I woke up cuddled next to Erin. I Cheeked my phone to see that it was 8:30ish so I didn't wake her up. I grabbed one of my favorite t-shirts it was white and it had a head of a wolf on with black ripped jeans and a wolf charm bracelet also I grabbed one of my favorite necklaces it was a wolf paw. I walked to the bathroom and took a nice warm shower.

After I was done I got out and I dried my body I was still listening to music and from when I was in the shower I moved my body to the music I was listening to together forever by Jack Johnson. I put on my pink bra and leopard print boy short panties. I took my ear buds out and turned around to grab my shirt and I saw Ryder standing there with is face red and a dumb look on his face.

"Ryder what the fuck? why are you standing there why are you in here get out get out." i say trying to over up my body.

Ryder stood there in complete shoock he looked like he had grown roots into the floor. i quicly put on my top and pants and pussed him out of the bath room. I dried my bule hair that was starting to fad to its natral blonde. I guess ill get the hair color remorver from that hair store Erin told me about.

I did my makeup which consits of eyeliner and mascara. I walked down stairs to see all the boys laying down all over my couches and floor. I giggled at the site and walked into kichen and saw Ryder there looking threw the cabnits.

"What aree you looking for?" i asked Ryder.

"The pancake mix." Ryder said shyly.

"Its over here." I said going into the cabnit beside me and taking the mix out.

"What i cheek there." He said throwing his hands up in the airv in defeat.

"well you are a guy if you dont see it in front of your face you think its not there." I laugh

"Well.. now i know were it is so can i please have it? " Ryder asks

"Nope" i said smiling.

"Why not." Ryder asks steping closer.

"You will have to catch me 1st." with that i took off threw the back door and out the gate of the backyard and into the woods. I look back to see Ryder standing at the edge of the woods.

"What you afrid of the woods? I asks smirking.

"Nope not at all Rose." he said starting to run towards me.

I ran fast then i ever had before i let my feet giude me threw the woods. i saw a big tree and hid behind it.

"So now its a game of hid and seek?" Ryder asked chuckling.

I stayed quite and listened for Ryder.

"Oh so it is a game of hid and seek." Ryder said i could hear the smirk in his voice.

I closed my eyes and listen to his movement.

"Gotta ya" I open my eys and see Ryder stamding in front of me with his arms beside me so i cant escape.

I look into Ryder's eye and he was looking right back into mine. I felt like it was just me and him alone in the world. He was looking at me like a way he never looked and before or anybody has ever looked at me with just so much love and compassion that I've never ever seen in my whole life.

Then he kissed me Ryder my best friends brother was kissing me. He kisses me softly like he could brake me but yet it was vary passionate. I don't think I could describe to anyone how I felt in this moment it was just without words. He pulled back and took the pancake mix from my hands and grabbed my hand then we walked back to my house.

I couldn't think straight did he really kiss me? I can't believe he just kissed me. What can I say about this what can I do about this what can I what can I even say to him.

"Did you just-"

"Yes I just kissed you. I can do it again if you don't believe me." Ryder said

I blushed and let my blue hair fall in front of my face. Ryder chuckled and let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and, kissed my temple. Which in turn made me blush harder.

Once we were in view of the house he removed his arm from me and we walked side by side, into the house. As soon as week got inside we were bombard with an angry looking Erin.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ROSE SHE IS ALL BLUSHES LIKE SHE..." Erin stopped yelling in the middle of her sentence and punch Ryder in the face.

"You kissed my best friend you mother fucker" Erin said to him and then she grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs to my room.

'oh no am I in trouble' I thought to myself. 'i well he kissed me but I did kiss him back urgh I hope im not in trouble' I continued my thought.

"You my dear friend have some explaining to." Erin said when we got to my room and closed the door and locked it.

"Well Ryder kissed me thats it... are you mad please dont be mad i didnt mean for it to happen it just did." I said with tears in my eyes i hate it when people are mad at me it makes me feel horbbile.

"Aww hun I'm not mad at you tell me everything that happened from when you woke this morning till now." Erin said in a calm voice.

"Well um... i went down stairs and you were still asleep so...." And I explain what happened between Ryder and I

"Oh this not goo not good at." Erin said

"Why not?" I Said confused.

"beaucse i think my brother Blade likes you." Erin confesses


yay i updated i need some ideas for the next chapter plz put A comment TO give me an idea for the next chapter... thanks

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