1st day

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"Beep beep beep" went my annoying alarm clock. I looked at the time it was 6:30. I crawled out of bed and walked over to my closet I grabbed out my favorite pair of blue jeans and a black tank top with my favorite red t-shirt. And favorite pair of shoes were down stairs waiting for me. I walked into the bathroom and did all my morning stuff. I walked down stairs with my light blue hair still wet from my shower. I made a bagel with butter, meat and cheese for my breakfast. I looked at the clock only to see the time was 7:30 so, I turned on the tv and watched the news.

When I finished my breakfast I walked up stairs to blow dry my hair a flat iron it. After I did that I went on a searching for my black backpack. When I finally found it it was 8:30 school started in 30 minutes. I wrote my parents a note telling them I would might go to Libary if I got homework. I pulled my fake nerd glasses out of my backpack and locked the house and, walked towards my car that I got for my 16 birthday from my mom &dad. I threw my bag into the my car and drove to my school witch I had direction in my GPS.

When I got to school I felt eyes on me. So I made my hair fall in front of my face and I looked to the ground. I made my way to the office. I got my class sheet and my locker information. I found my locker no problem but, there were a group of guys blocking it.

"Um... guys I don't mean to be rude but your kinda blocking my locker" I said in a soft voice. They all looked to me and move right out of my way. But one guy stood against smirking at me. "Um can you please move out of my way?" I asked the guy a little bit annoyed cause he knew I asked him to move out of my way all ready.

"Why should I do that, sweetheart" the guy asked "Cause I need to go to class!" I said glaring at him. "Make me then" he said smirking. "I will then" I said in a sigh then drop my bag.

"Just cause I think your cute i'll let you punch me first " he said smirking down at me. He move to the middle of the hall was away from my locker. I smirked at him and I walked over my locker opened it. "Thanks for moving dumb-ass, and awe you think I'm cute i find that cute." I said slaming my locker then i walked to my 1st period class. Which was math great, note the scarcam. I walked into the class and sat at the back row for some reason no one was sitting. What ever I sat down and took out my stuff and waited for the stupid teacher to start the lesson.

*skipped to lunch*

I made one friend she was the only other girl in the school how dared to color there hair and sit at the back of the class. She said she'd explain why no one sit there. So I'm now wait for her at my locker. There she is i see her bright Red hair threw the crowds of blondes, blacks, browns, and dirty blonde hair. "Hey Rose" Erin yelled pushing people out of the way. I laughed at all the kids falling i wasn't useally this rude but what ever new school new rep. That how ill look at it."Hey Erin are we going to lunch or what?" I asked her. "Yeah let get moving in hungry as fuck" Erin said. "Kay, where the cafe?"I asked. "Follow me" Erin said. "Kay" I said.

"MAKE A PATH PEOPLE UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO KICK YOUR ASSES" Erin yelled. Everyone made a path so that she could get through, which I thought was pretty awesome! When me and my old friends walked down the hall people just move out our way sometimes but that's it. 

After we got to the cafe we sat a empty tabel. "So... why doesn't anyone sit in the back sits anyways?" I asked then started to eat my sandwitch. "Well its cuz my brother, me and his 'followers' as I call them sit there but he got out smarted by a girl before 1st period even started so he diside to skip the morning but he'll be back bye the end of lunch" Erin said.

I thought about this morning and that dick guy...it couldnt be him could, I thought to myself.

"Wait your brother is he about 6'3, black hair, green eyes and is cocky as fuck?" I asked.

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