Stranger Than You Dreamt It

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Cameron POV

The days leading up to Friday are filled with nervous energy. It's been weeks since Nash entered my life again and my ache for him has increased sevenfold. I'm attending the game with Matt and Justin, afterwards we're heading over to Nash's condo for the party. I'm anxious to see him. I also need to know who this little devil is, it better not be that asshole Nate from Stanford. It's upsetting to realize I know nothing of Nash's college days and I realize it's entirely my fault.

When Friday finally arrives, I'm up early. I head to the gym and work out, trying to get rid of the nervous butterflies in my stomach. I can't get rid of them but at least I look good. I fill my day with menial tasks, things I need to get done before I start medical school. When the time to get ready finally arrives, I get dressed and look at myself in the mirror. I look good. I know Nash still loves me, he just needs time and some not-so-gentle nudging to come back to me. This has to work because I can not imagine being without him for the rest of the my life. That would be such utter misery.

I meet up with Matt and Justin at the arena. Matt told me to arrive 3 hours before the actual start of the game, I guess Nash invited them to come watch the team warm-up. My heart aches as memories of watch Nash warm up before every practice and game flood my mind. While we were together I never missed one. We are escorted inside and we end up on the first row, we're practically on field. I spot Nash immediately, he's stretching next to some guy with brown hair and a hair band holding his hair back.

It's so strange to be in this huge arena watching Nash warm up, it's so different than the bleachers I used to sit on in high school to watch him. I can picture him warming up and then coming over to me so that I can give him his good luck kiss. I can remember when he first switched to Lacrosse at the very beginning of our relationship and now he's playing for the U.S. lacrosse team. I can feel myself start to get emotional so I focus back on Nash and the guy he's warming up with.

I look at them intently and they're conversing as the warm up, they're helping each other stretch and my heart clenches as I watch some stranger touch Nash. I turn to Matt who's been watching me while I watch Nash, my cheeks turn pink and I feel like the kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"I know what you're going to ask me," Matt says before I can open my mouth. "Who is that?"

He knows me too well, or maybe I'm predictable I don't know.

"That's the little devil." Matt says flatly and my eyes snap back to Nash and the guy. I look at him a little more closely and I see how he angles his body towards Nash, how he leans in close when Nash says something to him. I see the over exaggerated way he laughs and the adoring look he gives Nash when Nash isn't looking at him.

That little devil doesn't want Nash to come back to me because he wants him for himself. I am just as determined as ever to get Nash back and some little asshole who's barely known Nash isn't going to stop me. I know Nash, I know him more than anyone. He was my best friend first before he was my lover. We shared everything with each other, I know for a fact there are things that Nash has never told anyone else but me.

That piece of shit isn't going to come between Nash and I, he's delusional for thinking he could.

My attention slides back to the love of my life.

"What's his name?" I ask but my eyes don't leave Nash.

"Kenny Holland." Matt answers and I glance at him then because Matt has a look of distaste on his face.

"What?" I ask him.

"He just... they basically met at training camp for the U.S lacrosse team earlier this year during the spring semester of Nash's senior year. I just met the asshole when Nash came back home a month ago and for whatever reason this dude acts like he's Nash's closest friend and that he knows everything about Nash. It's that type of asshole behavior that really grinds my gears. He has that upper class attitude, like he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, it's the stupidest thing ever." Matt rants and I raise my eyebrow at him, it really takes a lot of get Matt this angry and that asshole fucked up. Apart from me, Matt has been Nash's closest friend, especially after Carter fucked up his relationship with Matt. It burns me to know that I did the same thing with Nash but I know I can get him back.

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