From This Moment

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Cameron POV

Today is the day and I can't be more nervous, excited and ready to begin my new life as Cameron Dallas-Grier. Planning our wedding was stressful especially at the end but a lot of things have seemed to work out in the end. Carter and Matt both agreed to remain cordial enough to get through our wedding day. Justin is still attending, he's still a close friend of Nash and I. I told him he's more than welcome and he replied that he would be there.

I'm at my mother's house getting ready, my tux is hanging on the back of the door of my old room. Nostalgia returns full force as I look across the yard into Nash's room. I know he's getting dressed in there and it makes me have butterflies in my stomach to know that soon I'll call that sexy, beautiful man my husband. I think about when I saw him after so many years and how scared I was of his rejection. But somehow that gorgeous man found it in himself to forgive me and give me another chance, and now we're finally going to fulfill our dreams.

Matt,JJ and Shawn enter my room and I smile nervously at them as we get closer to the time we have to be at the venue. Our mothers picked a lovely lakefront venue and the decorations are gorgeous. We're going to have a huge white tent where our reception will be held.

It's an absolutely beautiful day outside, there isn't a cloud in the sky and the sun shines brightly.

"Our little Cammy is growing up, the first one of us to get married," JJ says and I look at my closest friends. I can already feel myself getting emotional and I blink back tears. Matt and I look at each other, his eyes are red and I take him into my arms and hug him tightly.

"I fucked up so badly, Cam." He chokes out and I hear him sniffle. "He was going to ask me to marry him and I fucked it up. I don't even fucking love Carter and I broke the love of my life's heart for one fucking night with the asshole that broke me."

I rub my hands over his back and let him cry, I let him mourn the loss of his relationship.

"Give him some time, Matt. I can't say that he'll forgive you because I don't know but give him time and then talk to him," I whisper in his ear and he nods at me. Shawn and JJ join us in a group hug and once we compose ourselves we get dressed. I have to say we look sharp, the suits we chose are on point and I'm not even trying to brag.

Time flies and before I know it we're in the limo headed to the venue. Nash has his own limo as well that carries his family and his groomsmen. My mom has her arms around me as she hugs me tightly, she fans her eyes in an attempt to keep from messing up her make-up.

When we pull up to the venue my nerves go crazy, the rest of the wedding party exit the limo but I stay in it for a few minutes trying to get myself together. We wrote our own vows and I'm so nervous that I'll forget what I want to tell Nash. My hands tremble as I take out the little piece of paper where I wrote my vows . I stare down at it and mouth the words as I wait for my cue. The limo door opens and my mom has a bright, happy smile on her face.

I get out of the limo and slip the paper into my pocket. My mother leads me to my spot and I can see each couple begin to walk down the isle. It's absolutely gorgeous, it feels like I've entered a fairy wonderland. I can see Nash at the end of the aisle and the butterflies explode in my stomach. It's almost time for my mom and I to walk down the aisle. When we step up everyone stands and they're all looking at me.

Both of our families including aunts, uncles, cousins, and close family friends fill the seats. Nash's entire team and my friends from UCLA fill the seats as well. My heart races as my mom and I walk down the aisle. I can see Nash at the end and the pure happiness on his face makes my knees weak. He's so beautiful and he's all mine, after we are done here I get to call this man my husband.

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