My Worst Mistake, But My Best Lesson

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Nash POV

"What the fuck?!" I exclaim as we sit at the table in the restaurant. Carter just told us that he and Matt had sex a week ago, Matt hasn't talked to Carter since then but he cheated on Justin. Infidelity is so hard to come back from, the pain of having the person you love cheat on you with someone else has to be excruciating. I can clearly remember the moment when I realized Cameron was no longer in love with me, the pain I felt is like no other pain. Not even when I got injured, nothing trumps the feeling of your heart breaking and shattering in to pieces so sharp that it hurts to pick them up. I know Cameron didn't cheat on me but he mentally checked out of our relationship months before we actually broke up.

I love Carter, I do. He's one of my closest friends but I know he didn't deserve another chance with Matt and I'm not sure how he convinced Matt to have sex with him but he clearly succeeded and now the relationship of my two close friends is in jeopardy. Even if Matt and Justin break up, I highly doubt Matt would return to Carter. Carter likes to think that he's improved and he's better at being in relationships since he and Matt broke up but he treats his significant others like shit. He's cheated on them and I try not to let those sort of things affect our friendship but this one is going to be difficult. I know both of them are to blame and I wonder if Matt told Cam and the others about his infidelity.

I selfishly wonder how all this drama will affect my wedding. Carter and Matt are supposed to walk together but I don't know if they'll be able to manage that.i take my phone out of my pocket to send a message to Cameron.

Me- babe, did Matt tell you about something that happened about a week ago (fuck with us and then we tweaking ho. No? Okay moving on)
💍Cammy💍- Yes, like what the fuck?? He doesn't want to tell Justin bc he loves him and doesn't want to lose him.
Me- it's insane, Carter treated him like shit while Justin treated him like a king and he cheats on him after years of being with him? It's so fucked up.
💍Cammy💍- Justin was going to propose after our wedding day. He didn't want to take the attention away from us. He has plane tickets to Venice, they're going to stay there for their anniversary and he plans to propose on a gondola. I want to tell him, baby. He deserves to know before he puts a ring on Matt's finger. But Matt's my best friend, how can I betray his trust?
Me- I'll fucking tell him, he needs to know.
💍Cammy💍- it's unbelievable, I was not expecting that at all tbh
Me- same.

"Who are you texting?" Carter asks me suddenly and I raise my eyebrow at him because it's really none of his business.

"Cameron." I reply and I don't elaborate because I'm pissed off at Carter for taking part in ruining an amazing relationship. I know he wants to ask more but the look I give him makes his mouth shut.

We finish our food in an awkward silence, no one knows what to say after Carter dropped that bomb on us. I say my goodbyes once we are done eating and head to my apartment. As soon as I'm home I sit on the couch and rub my face, I need to call Justin but I have to figure out what's the best way to break the horrible news.

A part of me wants to leave it alone, why rock the boat? But then again I know if something like that happened to me, I'd want to know before proposing. I take out my phone and let out a stressed sigh. The news is going to break Justin's heart, him and Matt have been together almost 4 years, this is going to devastate him. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it has to be done.

I find his contact and press the call button. I raise the phone to my ear and lean back on the couch with my eyes closed. I kind of hope it goes to voicemail so I can put it off but Justin picks up.

"Hey man, what's up?" He asks me and I rub my eyes again.

"Hey, Justin. Uhm... I have something to tell you and I think it's only fair that you know before you take a big step in your life," I tell him softly.

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