Yours For The Taking

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Cameron POV

I'm happier than I've been in years, basically since before Nash and I broke up. I was so unhappy and miserable without him, I was an idiot. I can't believe how crazy I was to think I could live without the love of my life.

I'm quickly approaching the weekend before my first week of med school. It's basically my last weekend of freedom because once I start school, I know that I'll have to study all the hours that I'm not in school, lab or the hospital. Nash doesn't have a game this week but he does have practice today. Tomorrow is Friday so I basically have 4 days of a worry free life. It's kind of scary when I think about it.

I grab an uber and head to the stadium, Nash wants me to come to his practice and while it may sound boring being close to Nash makes me happy. I text him and let him know I've arrived and when I see him at the gate I smile happily. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me deeply, I wrap my arms around his neck and I honestly feel sparks from his kiss. No one could ever make me feel the same way he does.

He presses two more soft kisses on my lips before he pulls away.

"I love your kisses baby, they give me life." He says sweetly and I flush at his compliment. He strokes my warm cheek gently and I turn my head a little bit and kisses his hand. He takes my hand and leads me into the stadium, I can see there's already some of the team out on the field. There's still a few minutes before the practice actually starts. He leads me to the front row and he pulls me in for more kisses before he has to go out on the field.

I slide my hands underneath his jersey and rub his muscular back gently. I want him so much, I really don't know how much longer I can wait, I know we're taking it slow but this is torture. I pout when he pulls away from my lips and he presses one more gentle kiss before he steps back. The whistle blows and he jumps over the railing onto the field.

"Thanks for coming, baby." He tells me and winks before he jogs out to where the team is gathering. I lean forward onto the railing and rest my hands on it, I rest my chin on my hand as my eyes follow Nash's every move. I can see Kenny too, he's standing next to Nash and I smirk because that sexy man is completely mine.

I bite my lip as dirty thoughts flood my mind, memories and fantasies mix together. I need him, I need him so much and I contemplate making a move this weekend before I start school. We've been spending our weekends together since we rekindled our relationship, I love to sleep in his arms and wake up in the morning to his beautiful face. There's nothing sweeter than cuddling with Nash.

The practice goes quickly and before I know it Nash is heading towards me with his duffle bag on his shoulder. I see Kenny run up behind Nash and Nash turns to face me. Kenny stands a little too close for my liking and I wish I could hear what they're talking about. I'm sure Nash will tell me later. They talk for a few minutes and I start to get antsy, I contemplate jumping the railing and going up to them, but I don't want to seem like the jealous, overbearing boyfriend even though I kind of am.

I also don't want to give Kenny the satisfaction of making me jealous so I stay put with my eyes trained on them. Nash turns to walk away but Kenny places a hand on his shoulder and turns him back around. Nash's body language gets more tense and he crosses his arms, now I definitely want to approach them and interrupt the conversation. What could Kenny possibly say to make Nash upset?

Nash turns again and continues walking towards me. I can see Kenny's lips moving and I can faintly hear his voice but I have no idea what he's yelling to Nash. I sigh because it's just bullshit that Nash and I always have to fend off people who want to destroy our relationship. I sometimes wonder why and I know it's mainly because Nash is such an amazing man and people want him for themselves. But he's mine, he's 100% mine. That's my name on his chest, that's my promise ring on his finger and my C hanging from his chain. They can try all they want but Nash will always be mine.

He jumps over the railing and Kenny is still standing on the field watching us. I pull him close and press my lips against his deeply in a passionate, hard kiss. I get lost in his lips and Kenny leaves my mind completely as I wrap my arms around his neck and press my body against his. His hands rest on my waist and he caresses the skin there gently. Christ, I love this man. I can get lost in him forever. Our lips move over one another's fluidly and I swipe my tongue across his bottom lip. He moans softly into the kiss and I slide my tongue into his mouth, I explore his mouth with my tongue and play with his as I swirl it around.

We end the kiss slowly and he presses a soft kiss on my lips before he pulls away. I bury my face in his neck and breath in his unique, intoxicating scent. I lick the sensitive skin there, I can't resist it. He shudders and I pull away from our hug and smile at him lovingly.

"I need you so fucking bad, baby." He rasps out and I get excited, maybe tonight is the night. He grabs my hand and leads me out of the stadium, we head to his car and he throws his duffle bag in the back before we get in and he speeds away.

I don't really pay attention to where we're going until we hit the highway and I turn to Nash with an excited smile on my face.

He glances at me and nods, confirming my thoughts that we're headed to our special place. I have so many happy memories from the cabin and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to return there with Nash.

I can barely hold back my excitement because I know that we're going to make love tonight for the first time in almost 3 1/2 years. When he pulls into the driveway he barely has the car off before I'm jumping out of the car. He pops the trunk and takes out 2 bags. I tilt my head in confusion.

"I swiped some of your clothes when I was helping you arrange your apartment," he explains cheekily as we walk into the cabin.

"You sneaky little beaver," I say fondly and we head upstairs to his room. He drops the bags on the floor and pulls me into his arms right away.

"I need to shower, I'm all sweaty from practice," he tells me and I nod. "Are you going to join me baby?"

"Is that an actual question?" I quip as I follow him into the shower and we both get undressed.

He chuckles as we enter the shower and he turns it on, it's pretty hot and the bathroom steams up almost immediately. We stand underneath the water and I press my lips against his in a soft, slow kiss. I run my hands all over his muscular body, it's amazing how Nash can be so fucking sexy and hot, I could swear that he was already at max hotness when we were in high school but clearly I was wrong. There's nothing sexier than Nash now as a man with a toned body.

He sucks on my bottom lip and then tugs at it gently with his teeth. He presses me against the wall and grinds his erection on mine. He grabs my thighs and lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and he holds me up. He's always been so strong. He nips and sucks at my lips again and then he slips his tongue in, deepening the kiss. I tangle our tongues together until I don't know where I end and he starts. I moan as he rubs his body against mine. He pulls back from our kiss and I whimper at the loss of his lips. He growls as he bites and sucks down to my neck and I turn my head, giving him full access to my sweet spot. He knows exactly how to work me, time has had no effect on our knowledge of each other's bodies.

He sucks hard at my spot and I can feel my cock start to leak pre-cum, I'm so turned on and I feel like I'm going to explode. He sets me down and I pout at him.

"I don't want us to make love in the shower, not the first time. I want you in my bed so I can ravish and devour you like I want to," he murmurs hotly in my ear and my body shivers in anticipation of what's to come. He licks the outer shell of my ear before he pulls away. We lather soap quickly and help wash one another until we're clean and ready for the bed. We step out of the shower and we dry each other off.

He grabs my hand and leads me to his bed, I fall back onto it and I pull him down with me. The towels end up on the floor and we're naked and hard.

He stares at me with a hungry look on his face and I bite my lip as my eyes trail down his sexy body. When my eyes meet his again, they're blown wide with lust.

I wrap my hand around his neck and pull him down to my lips.

I'm so ready for this.

A/n- lol sorry. I'm a tease. Also unedited because I'm lazy af

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