Carpe Noctem, Carpe Diem, Carpe Omnia

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Nash POV

As soon as he sees us, he starts thrashing on the stretcher, they have him on 4 point restraints and there's two nurses on either side trying to make sure he doesn't break out of the restraints. He has a wild look in his eyes and I don't recognize the boy that used to be my best friend.

We talk quietly to the doctor who explains that they can't let him leave, he needs to be admitted for suicide precaution and he will likely be transferred to an inpatient psych unit. I do feel bad for Carter, his downward spiral started the moment he broke up with Matt for the last time all of those years ago. He's the only one who holds a grudge against Matt for moving on, everyone else understands the situation. The relationship was caustic, it was eating Matt alive.

I'm happy he and Justin were able to work things out.

When Carter is calm they let us approach the bed, he's staring blankly at the wall and he won't meet our eyes.

"Should've just fucking done it without telling anyone. How can I live the rest of my life without Matthew?" He asks flatly, Cameron and I share a worried look.

Cameron is amazing because even though Carter punched him he's here on behalf of his friend.

"Carter, you're going to get the mental help you need. You can't tie your life to a relationship that was ended by you, that's not healthy. I hope you can learn coping strategies and start to move on from Matt. I'm not saying this to be an asshole, I'm just trying to be honest with you. I can't deny that I'm unbelievably angry right now for the pain you've caused us all, for you punching my husband, for the callous way you treated our friendship after we supported you through so much. I hope you get better, I really do Carter but just know that I'm cutting ties with you." I inform him quietly and he blinks back tears as he stares at the same spot on the wall.

His breathing quickens and he lets out a few hitched breaths, I know he's trying not to cry in front of us but I don't go back on my decision. Today was the last straw for me. Cameron's safety is so important to me, Carter has become completely unhinged and I no longer trust him.

"I'll miss you, Nash." He whispers brokenly and my heart clenches at the utter defeat that's apparent in his voice. I wish it didn't have to end this way but I won't be changing my mind.

"I'll miss you too, Carter." I reply and I will miss him in a way, I'll miss the boy I knew in high school. Maybe in the future whenever he's more stable, we could resume our friendship but I'm not very hopeful.

I grab Cameron's hand and we walk out of the hospital room together.

I drive us back to our home and Cameron is typing away at his phone, I'm guessing he's filling Matt in on what happened.

I'm feeling sad when we arrive to our apartment and I cuddle with Cameron in bed while he attempts to read his medical school textbook.

"Ugh. I have such a headache, fucking Carter." Cameron mutters and I sigh.

"I'm so sorry, babe." I murmur and I hear him sigh.

"It's not your fault, Nash. Carter is an adult, he's responsible for his own actions." He replies and I nod in agreement because he is right.

When Carter is released from the hospital he tries to contact me, he wants to meet up to hash things out. He's on medication now supposedly and while he was in the hospital they diagnosed him with Bipolar disorder. I guess that makes a whole lot of sense but I feel no inclination to resume my friendship with him any time soon.

My life with Cameron is stable, we're happy. We spend time with our friends and grow closer to Lia and Andrea.

Andrea and Cameron are in the middle of their 2nd year finals, Cameron has the summer off and I want to take him on a vacation so he can de-stress. My mind wanders as I think about places he'd like to go, it keeps coming back to the cabin. That has always been our escape and I know Cameron will be happy to go to our cabin. Neither of us need some fancy vacation to have fun.

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