Secret Words

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Nash POV

Planning a proposal is nerve wrecking. I don't think Cameron knows I'm planning and I want it to stay that way. I want to catch him completely off guard. He's been working so hard in medical school and finally has a small break for Christmas and New Years. There's only one place in my mind that I want to propose, our cabin. My mom signed over the ownership of the cabin to me, I didn't ask her for it but when she offered there's no way I was going to say no.

I'm planning to propose on my birthday and only because there's supposedly a birthday party at the cabin. I plan on recreating our first date and I want everything to be perfect. We spend Christmas at my parent's house with both of our families. Things are still a little chilly with my father but I've accepted that they're together and I'm not going to cause problems between them.

I head up to the cabin early on my birthday, Cameron is out with Matt and Justin. They're picking up a birthday cake for my birthday celebration which is actually tomorrow but Cameron thinks it's tonight. I work fast to get the backyard ready, I hang the lights like I did all those years ago. I set up the table and then cook our meal. It's the same exact thing we had on our first date. I plug my old iPod to the speaker system outside and by the time the sun is setting I have everything ready.

I know Cameron loves me and I know he'll say yes but I'm still nervous and scared that he'll say it's too soon or that we're not ready for that step. I know I'm ready, I want to call Cameron my husband.

Matt texts me that they're almost here and I try to shake off the nerves. I make sure that his engagement ring is in my pocket and that everything is ready to go. I bite my lip as I wait and I run my proposal through my mind over and over. I can't wait to to see his face, I hope he loves it.

I hear the car pull up and my heart begins to pound. I can feel my hands start to get sweaty and I swear to bob that if I drop the ring I'm going to punch someone. Most likely Kenny. Just because.

I stand at the table, and when Cameron comes through the sliding door he gasps as he looks around in wonder. I even have the same music playing. He comes down the steps of the deck and comes up to me as he gives me a happy smile.

"Happy birthday, baby." He murmurs and presses his lips gently against mine. I know he must know what I'm planning to do but he doesn't say anything else. We take a seat and begin to eat our food.

"This is so amazing, Nash." He says after a while and I give him a soft smile. "I feel like I've stepped into a time capsule, you recreated our first date perfectly, even the music."

I smile proudly, happy that he loves it. I didn't want to be too cheesy but I also wanted to make it special.

We finish eating and when I stand he looks at me with shiny eyes. I walk around to his side of the table and then kneel down in front him. I can hear him let out a shaky breath as I inhale to calm my nerves.

"Cameron, you are literally my entire world. You are the most important person to me. My day starts and ends with my thoughts solely on you. Your happiness is my goal in life. You complete me, baby. I'm so happy that I gave us a second chance because we deserved it. We deserved to be happy. When I was without you I felt like a part of me was missing. You are the other half of me. Will you do me the greatest honor to become your husband?" I ask and my voice trembles slightly. This is the most nervous I've been in a long time.

"Oh God, yes. One million billion times yes," he tells me passionately, I slide the engagement ring onto his finger and he bends slightly to kiss me. Our lips meet in a gentle, tender kiss.

I stand and he looks down at his engagement ring, tear drops start to fall down his cheeks and I take him into my arms. I kiss away his tears and rub his back tenderly.

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