Let The Dream Descend

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Cameron POV

The cocky tone that Kenny has completely throws me off right away. I can tell why Matt calls him the little devil. He's looking at me as if my entire existence is amusing to him. Like he knows something that I don't know and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Like I'm a joke.

I've always had problems dealing with people like Kenny. They have strong personalities and are domineering, I get nervous and lose any ability to form a witty comeback. This is the man that told Nash not to invite him and Nash actually listened to him. That fact alone makes me feel insecure. I dislike him and I haven't said one word to him.

"Mmhm," I say and I turn back to my friends, effectively shutting Kenny out of any further conversation. I can't deal with him right now and I don't want to. I just want to enjoy the party and talk to my friends. I also want to find some time to speak to Nash but I don't know if that will actually happen.

Kenny places his hand on my shoulder and I turn to look at him with raised eyebrow.

"Yes?" I ask shortly, I honestly do not want to deal with him at all.

"Why so rude Cam-Cam?" He says with a shit-eating grin, I want punch it right off of his face but I can't ruin Nash's party.

"I don't even know who you are, I'm not even sure why you're approaching me?." I lie and he scoffs as if he doesn't believe but I keep my face flat as I look at him.

"I'm Kenny, Nash's boyfriend." He says and I have to fight so hard to keep my face straight and I'm pretty sure I manage it even though I'm dying inside.

"Bullshit," Matt states and I didn't even realize he was behind me.

Kenny shrugs and gives us an easy smile. He's such a fucking asshole, he just said he was Nash's boyfriend to see my reaction. Who the hell does that? Why is this guy friends with Nash? He deliberately said something that he knew would hurt me just for his own amusement.

Asshole doesn't even begin to cover it.

Matt tugs on my arm and I turn away from Kenny, I let him pull me away and I'm no longer in a good mood. I know that I shouldn't let him affect me but I can't help it. I sit on the couch in between Matt and Shawn, I lay my head down on Matt's shoulder and I stare blankly at the wall.

After a while I decide to get up and grab a drink, I'm hoping I don't run into that asshole Kenny, I might be able to hold back a punch after the bullshit he pulled. I honestly still cannot believe it.

I grab myself a Mike's Hard Lemonade and as I'm walking by a hallway I see Nash at the very end. I hesitate momentarily before I turn and head down to Nash. I feel nervous, it's like we're strangers and we're beginning again. I startle him when I rub his shoulder lightly.

"Sorry, I just... haven't had a chance to really talk to you yet. You played an amazing game," I tell him quietly, I lean against the wall with the drink in my hand and I trail my eyes over Nash's body.

God, I want him so much. He's always been fit and athletic but in the last 3 years he's put on a lot of muscle and he looks good with his black shirt hugging his muscles. When my eyes meet his again, he has a smirk on his face. My face flushes because he caught me checking him out. It makes my heart ache as well, because before one look and he would have been pulling me into his room to have his way with me.

I'm practically strangers with the love of my life and it's my fucking fault.

"Thanks, Cameron. I pushed myself hard because I had a lot to prove you know? To myself, the coach, the fans and my team. I just feel like I had to show them that the money they're paying me is well invested..." He tells me and I smile at him as I nod. It's typical Nash, he's so intense when it comes to things he's passionate about.

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