Golden Era

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"Hell no" Nate replied

"Ouch" Matt acted hurt

"So why did the competition have to wait for over a year" Dalle asked

"Well I really don't know but maybe financial reasons or they prolly wanted more teams" Nate replied honestly. He is not the sport organizer or part of their team so he really doesn't know anything about their plans.

"Oh okay, so did Ryan basically taught you guys how to play the game?" Dalle was curious about that point.

"Yes and no. You could say he taught Mcskelly, Neal and myself" Nate answered.

"Neal?? Didn't he debuted at the second season?" Dalle was all the more confused.

"Well there was an age restriction you need to be 20 before you can join the NBE and Neal was still 19 so he couldn't join then and had to wait till the second season." Nate answered

"Oh okay" Dalle was enlightened

"So since you said it was Ryan who built the team then what role did the CEO of the club played" Dalle asked yet again

"Oh well, Sim, Ryans and Finn were buddies so you could say the three of them basically played their part for the team to become what it is today. Finn and Sim Funded the team while Ryan did every other thing." Nate explained.

"Oh okay" Dalle and Matt nodded in unison.

"So what were the struggles you guys went through when the game started?" Matt asked.

"Well you know the game was not all that prosperous in the first season so we had to play it for the love of it and not because of the monetary aspect of it..." Nate was interrupted.

"You mean you played for free" Dalle asked

"Nope, why would we do that?, we received our pay but it was quite small. Ryans actually do share his income among us taking nothing for himself." Nate answered.

"Hmm" Was all Dalle and Matt could come up with.

"So what about winning the NBE championship three times consecutively?" Dalle asked.

"Well maybe we got lucky and they were lesser team competing in the competition we also have Ayoze in our team" Nate replied with a straight face.

"Hmm. What can you say about his recent decline in form?" Matt asked.

"Well, it is the team that was in decline and not him I mean look at his performance in the all start weekend." Nate replied.

"But that's all gone now as this man is already retired let enjoy the game and players we have now." Dalle added.

"Yeah, that's true. This man has come to the NBE and left his mark in the competition. Who do you think might be the likely best basketball player in the competition?" Matt asked.

"We have plenty of names talking of Dej Kent, Kyle Dylan, Ian Fletcher, Fred Darwin, Jon Neal, Steph Aaron, Seth Travis, Derrick Philips. They are just lot of them and we will be hoping to see who will come out as the best" Nate replied.

"Well yeah that is true we have a lot of potentials who will try to fit into the role of this Basketball God it's just unknown if we will have any player to win Four regular season MVP, Four playoffs MVP, Three final MVPs and three All Star game MVPs. That's quite a lot of accolades in less than Eight years" Dalle Said.

"The era of Ayoze Ryans is gone and The NBE world will forever miss this legend. We just need to enjoy the moment of the other players we have left while it lasts." Matt Added.

"This is where our tonight program ends. Thanks for staying with us until the ...."

Tv screen switches off.

"What was the for?" Neal yelled at Tony Evans. This guy actually ran away from the team after the fourth season to the Pulpy Raptors and decided to come back now. Because of him and this fucking Seth Travis, Ryan has to leave. Neal was pissed.

"That was the end of the show right? The only thing they kept ranting about is the greatness of Ryan in the first three seasons of the NBE. Did he win them alone?. I have won another Championship making me the player with the most NBE championship and have played in six different Finals. He only has three but they keep on fucking labelling him as the Sport greatest player. What am I then? None of them even bother talking about me and how i have done what nobody in the league has ever done but they fuck**g keep talking about fuc**ng Ryan. This is total bullshit!" Tony replied storming off.

Neal was amused but didn't bother saying anything. He despises Tony so much now. They were all friends before the NBE started he saw Tony and Ryan as his elder siblings but maybe Tony wants to be in the spotlight so badly. he just doesn't understands why they had to let him come back to their club after abandoning them.

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