The Off Season

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Why Ryan was the notorious kid who ran away from home, His cousin Fred was a filial son and his father supported his dream on becoming a Basketball player.

Fred's mother was the only sister of Ryan's father so while growing up the two kids do see each other a lot but were more of a frenemies than a family.

After being away from home, Ryan saw Fred when he followed Sebastian to undergo a trial for the crownstar Bulls. He tried his hardest to avoid seeing him but they eventually bumped into each other when Ryan was about to be caught by his Fred's dad, he helped Ryan to escape and from then on they reconnected and became quite close. Ryan introduced him to all of his friends and also to Mr Clarke who was always worried about Ryan's family.

Fred didn't divulge their identity since Ryan didn't do that himself. He would always drop by to say hello whenever he was passing by and due to the one year delay of the NBE, he moved in with the Clarke's and gets to be a member of the squad and with the start of the competition the following year, he and Sebastian went on to play for the crownstar Bulls while Kent joined Mahek Suns, Bernard played only a season with the X-Force Celtics and retired the following season due to aging. Sebastian followed the next season due to similar reasons while Nate retired two season after.


The next morning, Ryan woke up only to figure out that Kent curled his body around his making it difficult for him to move.

"Aish.. this jerk" Ryan muttered

"Kent" he called out his name

"Let me sleep a bit more please" He replied mumbling

"What? Are you gay or something??" Ryan asked

"Yes, I love Ryan" He mumbled

"Which Ryan?" Ryan felt like hitting this dummy

"YOU" Kent replied loudly

"....." Ryan was dumbfounded

"I am GAY!!" Kent shouted again

"Kent would you fucking stand up now before I kick your naughty ass" Ryan was frustrated. Just when will this guy grow up

"Be good to me Ryan" He sulked

"Ahem" Lena suddenly clears her throat

"Who's there?" Ryan jolted but couldn't break free from Kent's embrace though

"It's 9am already" Lena answered

"What? 9am?? My alarm didn't ring"  Ryan said sounding confused

"What alarm?, there is no alarm here" Lena was more confused she never recalled having an alarm in this room

"Ah that.. It's in my head" Ryan answered straightforwardly

"....." is this playing or what. Lena couldn't find a reply

"do you have one?, please let me see them" Kent Whined

"Whatever stand up now. I didn't employ you to sleep did I?" Lena said

"Sister-in-law employed you.. like you're a worker here?" Kent asked confusingly

"Shut it and get up now" Ryan interrupted him

"Hold on let me sleep for 5 minutes" Kent pleaded

"Stop cuddling me you fool and get up now" Ryan was angered

"Two Minutes" He sulked

"Stand up now" Ryan Freed himself and kicked Kent in the butt

"Ouch.. that's painful" he whined

"Get up now" Ryan said in a rather commanding tone

"Okay"he answered unwillingly as he got up

"You both should get ready, I have work for you this morning" Lena said

"Us? You employed only him not both of us" Kent said

"Wanna get kicked out" Lena said

"We will be there soon sister-in-law" Kent said as he heads to the bathroom.


"Don't let me come back here again okay?"

"Hmm.. okay"

Lena turns to leave. But Ryan called her back


He didn't reply but walks towards her and instinctively she was stepping back and only stopped when her back was against the wall. Ryan placed his hands just above her shoulder and the gap between them was almost negligible.

Lena suddenly felt hot. As Ryan brought his face closer to hers only for Kent to open the door of the bathroom.

"Ahem.. Did I interrupted anything let me go back in or should I just continue with whatever i am doing, don't mind me just carry on" Kent said as he shamelessly walked into the closet with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Basta**" Ryan murmured as he steps back a little.

Seeing an opening the already flustered Lena quickly ran out of the room.

Noticing she was gone, Kent walked back to the bathroom not forgetting to show Ryan the F*** you sign.

Ryan felt like beating this guy to a pulp.


Kent stayed with Ryan for a couple of days and their routine was similar Stay in the restaurant for less than 2 hours per day then sneak out to go play basketball come in late and get scolded by Lena.

Kent wondered if Lena was going to pay Ryan any wages since the guy didn't do anything since he was around. He was already considering working here after his retirement which amused Ryan.

He went home to see his parents after spending 5 days with Ryan but two days later this annoying guy was back with the excuse of coming to watch the NBE final games and he ended up spending the entire NBE off season period with Ryan and even convinced Neal to come join them.

After coming to wake them up on the second day of Neal's arrival, Lena knew better not to come to their room again. The three guys where intertwined together just like the fishes in a sardine can.

Basketball became a daily routine even the room now has a net. Wesley was pretty much doing nothing now. Initially he use to do night shift but with these guys around they played basketball starting from 9am to 6pm she couldn't ask him to do a night shift but she still had to pay him for doing nothing. She wouldn't blame him though but those three annoying brats.

It got more annoying when Fred also moved in she wondered how the four of them would sleep on a single bed but she never attempted going to their room. Even Sebastian, Nate and Bernard were now an accomplice the only difference was that they do go home at night.

She was looking forward to when the Season would be starting again but she knew deep down she was going to miss them all. Ryan already told her about his plan to form a new team and she was Certain that the team would consist of Ryan, Neal and the three boys possibly Kent but they still had a long way to go they needed a team of at least 13 players.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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