The News

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Back at the restaurant, Mrs Clarke instructed Wesley to go and bring foods for them to eat.
Which Wesley swiftly responded. Who wouldn't want a free food from the boss's Mom?

Soon Wes was back with the orders alongside a colleague as they set the table. Miranda also asked other employees to join them, so the scenery was like a family gathering at a dining table.

They all sat round the table and didn't forget to shut the down leading to the restaurant changing the sign outside to closed. Although their boss must not be aware but who would want to be disturbed in a moment like this?.

It was at that point that Pete saw Ryan real face. The man always wore a mask whenever they were playing probably to hide his appearance and just enjoy the game like some random better players. But seeing that the Basketball God has agreed to teach him how to play the game got him intrigued.

He ran his mouth non stop asking Ryan about a lot of things . With Wesley seeing a partner you could say the dinner was tormenting for Ryan as he had to answer a lot of questions. Even the usually quiet Jeff was a part of these guys alongside other co workers who initially wouldn't dare talk to Him.

After an hour of chatting, playing and eating, Jeff and Pete left for their respective homes while Wesley was in duty so he couldn't go with them. The other employees alongside Wesley resumed back to work.

Miranda stated she was going to spend three days with her daughter before going back home. As everyone retired to bed.


The Next three days before Miranda left was quite normal with Jeff and Pete coming to the restaurant early in the morning then leave shortly after with the boss, her Mom, Wesley and Ryan only to return late in the evening then have dinner together after freshening up.

The other employees were somewhat jealous of Wesley but they couldn't do anything about. This guy was allowed to go into the Boss apartment to watch an NBE game something they could only dream of.

The second series of the Semi Finals was played the second. While on the first day was both games being played together, the second day was only just a single game between the Western Conference teams, they third between the Eastern conference and it will continue to go on like that. Which means they'll be a match everyday which got the viewing centers intrigued as they were certain to make a high profit during this period.

The Ocean Restaurant despite not being a viewing center also enjoy great benefits during this season of the year. As it was certain that fans of Eezee would always crowd the restaurant whenever their favorite has a match. So instead of the normal twice or once a week game, it was now a 3-4 game per week.

None of these concerns Ryan and the trio though as Miranda would instruct Ryan to analyze and explain the details of the game to the three lads so they could have better understanding of the game. Which he did for three days straight and even after Miranda departure, it became a routine. And in the blink of an eye, the NBE semifinals were over.

The Eastern Conference Semi final match was the first to be concluded as the Crownstar Bulls defeated the Pulpy Raptors in six series. As the series ended 4-2. Becoming the first team in the Eastern conference to play in three finals.

The Western conference series was concluded after the seventh series and the Eezee net emerge victorious earning a record tying four final appearance a record they share with arch rivals X-force Celtics. This was the Eezee Net first final after the end of their golden era.

The fans were overwhelmed and proud of their victory despite losing the regular season first place to this team, this was the ultimate win for they were now really close to wining their so much deserved Championship win.


Ryan called his long time pals to the old basketball court so they could spar and also give his pupil a more difficult task.

He played alongside the lads while Sebastian, Kent, Bernard and Lena were the opposition and the game ended with a lose for Ryan's Team which got the other team excited.

"Isn't it just a random win why are they happy as though they won a championship" Wesley asked. He was already feeling down with their loss but this guys reaction made it all worse.

"You might not know but this is the first time since we've been playing that Ryan team ever lost" Sebastian answered proudly as laughs hard.

"Did we pull him back" Pete asked being slightly worried.

"Yes... Umm, I mean Nope" Bernard answered.

The lads felt even more bad bug Lena assured them they played a very good game and should try to put on a better performance in the next game.

"Did you see the news?" Kent suddenly asked

"The one about Eezee Net and Ryan" Lena asked

"Yes" Kent replied

"We have" They all answered

"Ryan?" Kent asked further

"I don't know but he isn't acting like he has seen it though" Lena said

"I think he might have seen it. Ayoze Ryan has always been the one kicking our ass either with rookies or not but today's game was different maybe he's disturbed" Sebastian added.

So they all decided to ask if Ryan was okay.
Ryan was dumbfounded by their question as he turned to look at Lena but the look on her face was similar to theirs.

"What news?" He asked.

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