Staying the night

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My hands clapped over my mouth as I thought about what I have wanted him to do to me since I first saw him, In an excited panic I immediately skimmed his room for any cassette tapes or vinyls and ignore what I'd seen hanging on the wall, at last I found on his shelf some cassettes.. but I didn't dare touch them as I noticed they were perfectly ordered, alphabetically and from earliest to latest release..

"You found them aha!" Said Eddie as he skipped through the door and handed me a coke, "what do you think?" he asked while taking a sip from his can, but I was transfixed by the amount, "I wish I kept mine like this, all organised... instead mine are kind of in a pile on my desk" I giggled, "no worries, I mean what can a girl do with so much right?" Eddie winked, I felt my face flush a deep hot red, but I turned around to focus on the cassette collection so he didn't notice.

After half an hour we had traded a variety cassettes and cds as well as fun facts about each band, which Eddie seemed eager to tell me, I think he was just desperate to see me smile so much, "You know you're not what I expected" I said abruptly, Eddie smiled, "what? Cause I'm not.. mean and scary?" He said, as twirled his fluffy hair over his face and laughed, "well.. kinda" I laughed, "If Im honest I don't expect people to like me so... this is really surprising", Eddie looked down and reached to grab my hand,
"Y/n, I really like spending time with you, I feel like.. I've seen another side to you that you haven't.. shown anyone before?", Eddie said abruptly, I took a deep breath "honestly, yeah... I find it hard to get along with most people, apart from you know.. Robin but we've been friends since like, kindergarten you know?" I said, as I could feel my eyes pricking with tears, "hey.. don't cry.. come here", Eddie immediately brought me into his arms, his grip wasn't too tight but just gripping enough that I felt safe, he slowly started to stroke my hair, removing it from my face while wiping my tears, "you know I've never felt this way about anyone before, I don't think you realise how important you are to those around you, I mean we all have our doubts and insecurities... but to me you're.. really something special",
I gave a sobbing laughter, and he hugged me even tighter, "my uncle works nights at the plant why don't you just stay the night.. we can stop at the store, family video and get some snacks.. have a movie night, what do you think?", I began to laugh, "Eddie... how do know exactly what to do to make me feel better?"

Cold hands // Eddie Munson x y/n Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu