The gate (next part arriving when vol 2 is released, hold tight!)

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Dustin lead us upstairs to who I quickly guessed was Nancys room by the Tom cruise poster and girly interior decor, I squinted in distaste until I saw one of Holly's toys on the bed, covered in little light bulbs with letters coming out of it saying "Hi", I was confused for a minute until dustin explained that Eddie, Steve, Nancy and Robin were trapped in the upside down and it was Now our job to help them escape, I sighed with relief that we at least knew where they were.. but how could we save them?
Dustin had told us the plan to go to Eddie's trailer, A place I was all too familiar with by now and help them escape the upside down through a new gate in Eddie's ceiling.

We escaped through the window and grabbed the wheelers bikes, suddenly I heard Callahan yelling from nancys window, "hey! Excuse me! No get back here!", but Erica quickly slashed Callahan's car tyres, "I guess it's just a minor misdemeanour" she exclaimed while puncturing his tyres with a small knife, Callahan began freaking out, "Hey no! No!" He screamed in infuriation and panic, I began to hear the parents running out from the house and yelling Lucas and Dustin's names as we rode away quickly, I was clutched to Max's back as she rode us both with the rest of the group to Eddie's trailer.

In about ten minutes we had reached the trailer park, we ran into Eddie's trailer and as I saw the gate my jaw dropped, it was so gross.. a red ectoplasmic goo was the only veil separating us from the upside down, it was surrounded by blackened slimy vines resembling tentacles..
dustin grabbed a broom and punctured it, the red gunk splattered on the floor and I cringed with visceral disgust, covering my eyes and attempting to avoid being splattered.
I removed my hands from my eyes and looked up into the gate, I could see Steve looking dumbfounded while whispering to the group, Dustin started laughing and my jaw dropped, I'd never seen anything as trippy as this in my life..
"Hi there", dusting joked, waving at the group who were in another dimension, I saw Eddie who waved at me eagerly, "bada bada boom!" Dustin screamed in triumph as I began laughing along with everyone, Eddie blew a copious amount of kisses at me which I reciprocated as dustin began tactfully tying bedsheets together, I held my finger up to let him know I was gonna try to help them but I turned around to see max and Lucas bringing in Eddie's mattress and dumping it on the ground as a landing matt, I looked up to Eddie who seemed slightly alarmed, "those stains are uhh..."he said, looking over to Nancy and Robin who seemed equally disgusted and curious, I immediately looked at Eddie and motioned at him to not explain what those stains were because knowing him.. everyone would have insinuated what we had been getting up to at his and I would NOT ever hear the end of it from Robin..
"I dunno what those stains are.." he sighed, I looked at Robin who shot a conspicuous look at me as I tried to hold back my embarrassment by covering my hands over my face again and cringing, "not quite sure how these physics are gonna work, but uh, here goes nothing" I heard dustin say as he tossed up the makeshift rope made of bedsheets up into the gate, dustin pulled on it slightly, "here we go.. and if my theory is correct" he said while letting go of the sheet rope, "huh. Abracadabra" he sighed, "holy shit" I said, "okay pull on it see if it holds!" Dustin yelled into the gate, to which Robin pulled on with her entire body weight.. it worked, "this is the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life! And I've seen some crazy shit" Eric exclaimed, "tell me about it" I laughed.

Robin quickly grabbed ahold of the rope and scaled it higher and higher, reaching the gate, "let's clear the landing pod" said dustin, we all took a few steps back, "oh my god! Agh!" Robin yelled as she entered our world once more, crashing on the mattress.
I saw Eddie edging closer and closer to the ceiling, he was doing the same tongue thing he does when shredding his guitar and I let out a giggle, soon enough he landed with a thud onto the mattress, "that. Was fun, shit" he laughed as dustin leant him a hand, he immediately brought me into the tightest hug I've ever received as we laughed our heads off, we straightened ourselves up to watch the others come though, he wrapped his arms around me from behind while we watched Steve and Nancy get ready to grab the rope.. but something was wrong... Nancy was stood still and not moving or responding to Steve, he was trying to wake her but a wave a dread washed over me, "oh no" I whispered as everyone began to panic, "oh shit!" Eddie said as he stared into the gate, Steve was starting to panic, now shaking Nancy and screaming her name, "Vecna" max whispered....

Cold hands // Eddie Munson x y/n Where stories live. Discover now