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Eddie leaned into me and began kissing me passionately while removing the cuffs from his bed and from each of our wrists, chucking them on the floor as I sat up and we remained locked in a kiss, Eddie pushed me down while wrapping his arms around me.. we eventually lay in his bed while he played with my hair when he sighed, "You're a really fucking good kisser, you know that right?", he quickly began chuckling as I giggled along with him, he leaned out of bed and reached over to his battle jacket, taking out a pack of Marlboro reds, "cigarette?" Eddie asked, "you don't mind smoking inside?" I asked, " my we do it all the time, my uncle and I", he replied.."oh, then..sure" I said as he lit his and chucked me his pack and a lighter, He looks so sexy when he smokes.. the way he lifts his head as he exhales and his hair shags among the smoke.

I grabbed my shirt off the floor, putting it back on my body, and beginning to shiver I lit my cigarette..Eddie saw me tremble, "oh your cold?..I'm sorry" he said, walking back to the bed and laying one of his muscular arms around me, massaging my back with his huge warm hand, "I got you" he whispered as I leaned into his chest in a nicotine rush, I began closing my eyes while I reached around his head and played with his soft curly hair.

Taking a last drag from his cigarette while stroking my hair, Eddie wrapped both of his arms around me, whispering, "I love much" he leaned back and stared into my eyes, smiling, "I never noticed how blue your eyes are, they're beautiful" Eddie said warmly as he kissed my forehead, I began to blush and smile, he giggled "what? You've never had anyone tell you you're beautiful before? What a joke" he said, I quickly replied, "no... I mean apart from my mom but that doesn't really count, She has to say that", Eddie ran his hands through my hair and caressed my face softly, I could see his eyes become glassy with tears, "wait what's wrong?" I asked, "nothing, don't worry I'm happy I promise, I've just never felt this way about anyone're a lucky're my girl" he said with warmth, I felt my heart flutter and I also teared up with a fuzzy feeling I've never experienced until now, "well now you're crying" Eddie teased, I laughed and explained how I felt to him as he leaned in once more smothering me with his warmth.

"we should probably shower, why don't you go first and I'll get cleaned up.. new sheets and shit y'know", "yeah, hell knows I need one right now" I replied, and we both chuckled, "you just pull the lever on the right and twist the button on the left for temperature" Eddie said as I reached for my bag, finding my hair brush "thanks" I smiled, "you know what I'll get you some clean clothes they'll just be outside the bathroom door, love you" Eddie replied, I turned, smiling "I love you too".


Eddie had picked out for me a very new looking black sabbath shirt and some black Pajama shorts, I pulled them over my body and combed my hair.
I peeked out and saw him smoking on the sofa, "Oh hey.." he spotted me, "your stuffs in the wash, feel free to make a drink or something and watch tv..I won't be long" he smiled

-Eddie's shower-

Eddie peeked out from the door, "ignore my deflated mess" he giggled as he motioned to his hair, "noooo! you'll be sexy again soon!" I joked enthusiastically, Eddie smirked "come here you little.." he joked as he embraced me, tickling me softly, "STOP AHAHAH" I screamed, he stopped, looking me in the eyes and giggling, "I didn't know you were THIS TICKLISH??" he squealed, tickling my sides and stomach as I writhed with laughter, "okay..okay babe I'll stop" he chuckled as I panted, catching my breath and giggling, "what have you been watching anyway?" He asked,
"nothing much just MTV, it's so late now" I sighed, "yeah I'm pretty tired now too.. let's go to bed" Eddie yawned, we both left the sofa and entered his bed, covered with fresh sheets.
We laid in bed, Eddie began spooning me and I'd never felt so safe.. and warm, "I love you y/n, goodnight" He whispered, "I love you too, Eddie" I whispered back, now staring at his poster covered wall my eyes felt heavier and I quickly fell asleep.

Cold hands // Eddie Munson x y/n Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora