Input (spoiler warning so plz watch vol 2 before reading)

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Plz watch vol 2 before reading, heavy spoilers ahead!

Hey guys, so if you're like me and watched vol 2 with high hopes of Eddie surviving but are now left with soul crushing disappointment you're not alone lmfao, Personally I would like to continue this story because I feel that it will help with closure (Ik he's fictional but Eddie has really impacted me lol) not just for me but also you guys, any input for the next plot is greatly appreciated as I'm unsure of which ending I would like to take (basically I can't decide wether y/n sees Eddie die and lives their life heartbroken or if I want to sacrifice y/n
like Eddie and live eternally with him in the afterlife, Ik it's cheesy paha but this is why I would love to hear your ideas! I'm not that great with making up my own plot tbh, feel free to either comment or message me whichever you feel comfy with, Thankyou! X

P.S credit will be given in a bibliography style chapter to any of you who offered help with shaping the story, thanks again! XO

EDIT: fuck the suffer brothers lmfao, I'm taking on board all of your suggestions and I've already started writing vol 2, Thankyou for your help! Cant wait Xo

Cold hands // Eddie Munson x y/n Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora