The boathouse

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I edged towards Eddie who was now crouched on the floor, he looked up at me with tears in his eyes, I began to cry and leaned in towards him, wrapping him up in my arms and stroking his hair, rocking back and forward he cried with me, "it's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay, we just wanna know what happened" I whispered softly into his ear while I leaned out and held his free hand.

We looked at each other again, the group began exchanging looks of fear and curiosity among them as I reassured Eddie that we believe him, "you won't believe me" he muttered with a wobbling voice, "try us" said max, Eddie took a deep breathe and stared at the ground, "her body jumped up into the air and, uh... and she just, like, hung there.. in the air, and her bones uh she...her bones started to snap" I gasped in horror, the rest of the group just stared at Eddie, who continued, "her eyes, was like there was something like, inside her head, pulling" my hand clapped over my mouth and I felt more tears stream down my face as I now crumbled on the floor cross-legged, Eddie took another breathe, "I...I didn't know what to do, so I.. I ran away... I left her there" he whispered.
We continued to look at him with horror, Dustin's face explained exactly what he and the rest of the group were feeling, "you all think I'm crazy, right?" Eddie scoffed while burying his face in his hands, "No. we don't think you're crazy" Dustin said, Eddie interrupted, "Don't bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds" I jumped and recoiled in shock, "we're not bullshitting you" whispered max, "we believe you" Robin agreed, but Eddie sighed in disbelief, shaking his head and whimpering..

Dustin straightened up, "look, what I'm about to tell you might be a little... difficult to take" he said, I turned my head to Dustin and looked at Eddie, who was now nodding, "okay" he whispered, Dustin started again, "you know how people say Hawkins is...cursed? Well They're not way off... there's another world, a world hidden beneath Hawkins.. sometimes it bleeds into ours", Eddie seemed more curious this time, "like ghosts and shit?" He asked, max intervened, "there are some things.. worse than ghosts" max whispered, I looked at Eddie, who was now engaged with what the group was saying, I straightened up with the rest of them and stared in curiosity at Dustin, "these monsters from this other world.. we thought they were gone but they've come back before, that's why we needed to find you" he explained further, "if they're back again, we need to know" said Max in agreement.
"that night, did you see anything?", asked Robin, "Dark particles, maybe?" Max added, but Eddie shook his head, "it would almost look like dust. Swirling dust" Dustin asked, but again Eddie shook his head, "No, man there was nothing you could see or, uh.. or touch... you know I tried to wake her, man.. she couldn't move, It was like she was in a trance or something"- "or under a spell?" Dustin asked, Eddie raised his head, looking at Dustin as if he recognised what he was talking about now, "A curse" he muttered, "Vecna's curse" Dustin added, My jaw opened slightly as I suddenly remembered who vecna was but I couldn't remember his name before, "who's Vecna?" Asked Steve, "an undead creature of great power" replied Dustin, "A spell caster" Eddie suggested, now looking at Dustin, "A dark wizard" Dustin added suddenly.

I crawled back to Eddie, who took my hand and we embraced once more, "I believe you" I whispered wobbly into his ear, "thanks" he whimpered, he now pulled me in closer while running his fingers through my hair, I could feel an awkwardness about the room but I couldn't it give a shit, "now we're just gonna have to figure out how to defeat him" said Dustin, in an attempt to break the tension, the rest of the group agreed and Robin approached me slowly, gently putting her hand on my shoulder, "I don't want to separate either of you, but I think it's safer if we come back tomorrow", I turned around and whimpered softly, "Robins right, it's not safe.. and I care about you, I don't want you to get hurt..or arrested..but we'll see each other tomorrow, I promise" Eddie said, I nodded in agreement and took Robins hand as we stood up, I looked at Eddie one last time and we hugged again, "I love you" he whispered, "say it again" I asked, he chuckled slightly, "I love you y/n" I smiled softly and leaned backwards, he grabbed my face softly as Robin took my hand and we walked back to the car.

We drove back to robins work so I could pick up my car and drive home, I started sobbing quietly in the back next to Max, who rubbed my shoulder while Dustin stared awkwardly into space, we arrived back to family video and I jumped into my car, driving home in silence..

Cold hands // Eddie Munson x y/n Where stories live. Discover now