Stick and poke

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We laid in bed for another few minutes as he caressed my body with his cold fingertips, "should I get that tattoo?" I asked, "I don't see why not" Eddie laughed and smirked, "I could do it?" He continued, "wait you'd do that?" I asked, "yeah..I've done them like a million times" he laughed, "should we do it now?" I asked, "I mean... sure, let me get my shit a sec.."
Eddie returned with a stick and poke kit, "I was thinking a little heart? Is that good?" I said, "sexy" he whispered with a small smirk and began sanitising a needle, he drew a small outline of a heart on my pelvis, "you'll feel a little pinch, just let me know if you need a break okay?" He smiled, I nodded and closed my eyes expecting the worst.
I felt a slight nip and another, then another, I squeezed my eyes tight and gripped his sheets tighter, "you okay?" Eddie asked with a concerned fear in his voice, "yeah honestly I'm fine, just keep going i'm okay", I reassured him.

After 20 minutes of being pricked and poked he announced it was all over, I sighed with relief and opened my eyes, looking down at my pelvis to see the cutest little heart, "hot right?" Said Eddie while giggling with his face in his hand, "oh my god yeah.. I love it", I sat up quickly but felt it sting slightly, "hurts though..." I whispered, "yeah sorry about that, if you apply salt water and Vaseline twice a day for about two weeks it'll heal pretty quick, don't you worry sweetheart", he pulled me in again for a hug, I giggled, "I can't believe I just got a stick and poke", Eddie laughed and kissed me again.

"You know what, why don't we order a pizza and look at the stars..they look so good out here without the streetlights and shit- I think it's called light pollution?" Eddie perked up, "yes please I'm starving" I said, Eddie left the room and ordered a large pepperoni pizza on the phone, I got dressed again and waiting for him while I doodled in my sketchbook, Eddie returned and slipped his shirt back on so he was fully dressed again, "the sun's starting to set- woah..what are you drawing now Picasso?" He said with excitement as he leaned over me, his thick hair smothering my shoulders and his necklaces tickling my neck, "just doodles" I muttered happily while looking at my drawing of a forest skyline and a cheesy pizza, "I could watch you do that shit all day, I wish I could draw.." I smiled gently, and turned me head to look up at him, "I wish I could play guitar" I giggled, Eddie smiled, "well..I could definitely teach you"- we heard a knock at the door suddenly, "oh shit that was quick" Eddie sighed with happiness, I followed him to the door to help prepare the picnic bench, "oh no I got it it's okay" Eddie said, I sat at the picnic bench to observe the sunset over the forest, Eddie reappeared with a six pack and the pizza, sitting down opposite me and opening the pizza box then cracking open two beers, passing one over and raising his, we clinked the bottles and he smiled as we took a sip, "your hair looks so pretty in that sunset" he sighed as he took a bite of his pizza, "are you purposely trying to make me blush again?" I giggled, "absolutely" he joked, "well it's working" he cackled while picking up a slice of hot pizza, Eddie put his hand out on the table and reached for mine, gripping it lightly as he laughed and looked into my eyes..

Eventually the sun had gone down and the stars revealed themselves in the sky, Eddie was sat next to me now, his arms wrapped around my shoulders as it grew colder, he took sips from his beer as he talked about the stars, telling me things about how they were used as maps and tools of navigation at sea during old expeditions, he pointed out Orion's Belt and multiple planets that i'd never noticed before, i turned around and gazed into his eyes, which now reflected the light of the stars and he leaned in, kissing me.
He leaned away, whispering "you're my star", I smiled while he held my face, I could feel his cold rings against my cheek, I grabbed his wrist and held on with my hands then pulled him in closer for a hug, while I whispered back, "you're my world", we both giggled and we ate the last slices of our pizza, taking the beer back inside and we sat on the couch.

Cold hands // Eddie Munson x y/n Where stories live. Discover now