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He reached over to grab his electric guitar hanging from the wall, beginning to shred slowly as his cigarette hung from his lips, while humming to a tune, "I don't recognise that" I said, he let out a laugh, looking up at me "I wrote it" he said with a smirk, "it's good" I smiled, "let me run you a bath" he said, he got up and walked to the bathroom to switched on the taps, he emerged once more from the corridor seeing me collect my clothes from my bag, "I'll look after you, don't worry about that", he said.. bringing me into a hug while I became absorbed with his chest as he stroked my hair, he went to play his song again as I watched in awe, "We play at the hideout on Tuesdays, I could take you there if you want" he said smiling, "I'd love to watch you play" I laughed, we continued to smile at each other, for a small while,
eventually he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom where he lowered me into a warm bubbly bath.

He helped brush my hair softly before he caressed water and soap through it, I washed my face and body with the warm water while he left to play his guitar, practicing his riffs and working on his lyrics. Eventually I left the bath, Eddie heard and brought fresh towels through to me, wrapping me up warm with one of them while sitting me down onto his bed while he grabbed my clean clothes from my backpack.

After getting dry and dressed we lay on his bed, my head on his chest with his arms wrapped around my body as we talked, "I have an idea" said eddie, "what? I smiled, "have you ever gotten stoned before?" He asked with a smirk, "no..I haven't actually..what are you thinking?" I giggled, "do you want to?" Eddie asked, "how much is a joint?" I asked innocently, "oh're my girlfriend and flattery WORKS with me so it's free of charge", he laughed, I insisted "are you sure? I mean I have twen-" but Eddie interrupted, "no, no it's my job to look after you y/n I'm not gonna make you pay, I want us to have fun babe" he smiled eagerly, "okay..thanks!" I laughed.

Eddie had rolled one joint to share since I'd never smoked before, he told me how I would feel and that we can do and talk about whatever we want, "you ready?" Eddie asked smiling as he lit his joint and took a draw, I nodded and he passed me the joint, inhaling I instantly felt a burn in my throat, I breathed in to avoid wasting it but coughed loudly and unattractively, but he didn't seem to care, "it's okay that's normal, how do you feel?" Eddie said as he rubbed my back with his cold hands, "I'm not sure I think I ruined it?" I replied, he took another draw and shook his head, "no that was good, considering it's your first time, don't worry about it" he said, I took another draw and began to feel it, everything slowed down and I could feel every fuzzy cell in my body vibrating as I began to laugh for no apparent reason, "woah you're really feeling it now huh?" Eddie giggled, "yeah" I spluttered, while taking one last draw and I fell backwards in a fit of laughter, "am I dreaming?" I asked, "no this is real, are you having fun?" He asked, I nodded yes vigorously and he laid down on the ground with me, beginning to attempt at plaiting my hair, "man..have I told you yet how soft and pretty and nice your hair is, babe", I giggled and began to blush, "you say it with your eyes", I replied, "woah....that's..philosophical" Eddie replied slowly as he began to laugh, "you're so beautiful y/n my god" and lent in to give me a hickey, "I have an idea, I'm not sure you'll like it but it's okay" I said, he looked concerned, "you're so perfect but I think you would look so hot with my eyeliner lemme go and get it" Eddie began to laugh hysterically and said, "yeah fuck it", I came back and sat on the floor cross legged taking the cap off the eyeliner pen, "what do I do?" He asked still smiling, "I think stay still and maybe close your eyes I've never actually put makeup of anyone before" he laughed as I poked his eyes with eyeliner, "okay now rub your eyes gently it'll look blended and less wahahhh" I said giggling while he rubbed his eyes, eventually opening them, "how do I look??" he asked instantly, I'd never known a guy be so willing to try something new like Eddie, "you look so...oh my GOD you look like Ozzy Osbourne!!" I squealed with excitement and laughter, "yess!!" Eddie celebrated with an air punch and leaned in to kiss me, he got up and turned the radio on, beckoning me to dance to a song from Ozzy's new album "the ultimate sin", coincidentally playing on his favourite channel.
I got up and he pulled me close to dance with him, eventually letting me twirl around him.. we both got tired quickly and felt hungry, "this is the best part" Eddie said abruptly, "what is? I asked, "oh, sweetheart..the munchies!" Said Eddie as he walked to the kitchen space and pulled out snacks from the cupboard, My eyes instantly widened as I expressed my hands outwards begging for snacks, I'd never felt this hungry before.

Cold hands // Eddie Munson x y/n Where stories live. Discover now