Principal Higgins

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The red-headed girl removed her headphones, seeing me in my deplorable state, "are you okay? She trembled, "I'm max" she said, I turned back around to face the mirror to find tissues to wipe my face from my ruined eyeliner, "I'm y/n, sorry you had to see me like this... I'm not having a very good day" I tried to laugh but ended up with more tears and crying further, "hey, what happened? it's okay" Max continued, "well" I started, "I'm supposed to be in principal Higgins office for something that literally wasn't even my fault and now I've been fucking dress coded for my shirt" I sobbed, she paused "That was.. my brother, Billy's favourite band" Max said "He died in the mall fire saving me and my friends lives, I think he would have loved your shirt" She smiled sympathetically, this surprisingly made me feel slightly better rather than hearing the usual 'Everything's going to be okay' bullshit when it's clearly not, I turned around and smiled, I don't know why but I felt like Max needed a hug, I quickly leaned in and wrapped my arms around her, she seemed startled but eventually hugged me back, "thanks" I said, "I'm really sorry about your brother Billy, he was a Hero" I finished, "Thanks" Max whispered.
"UGH I should probably go.. principals Higgins is waiting and god only knows I'll get suspended if I make her wait any fucking longer" I moaned through gritted teeth while cleaning myself up, "but thanks, I know you don't know me very well but I don't feel like killing anyone now..thanks Max" I continued while attempting to crack a smile and a laugh,
I straightened myself up and took a deep breath, heading for the door as I said bye to max, "bye y/n" she replied.

-Principal Higgins' office-

I knocked on the door of the principals office without a clue If I was doing this right, 'I've never done this before, I'm never usually a problem' I thought to myself, "you may enter" said the voice of principal Higgins, "Oh, y/n I just received Mrs. Clicks email, let's have a chat", I sat down in a chair opposite principle Higgins In front of her desk, "I heard there was a disturbance in class earlier, would you like to tell me a little bit about that?" said principal Higgins calmly, I took a deep breath trying not to start crying again, "well.. I was just doing my work as usual and Jason threw a paper ball at me from behind-", "Jason from the basketball team?" She interrupted, "yes" I said, "okay you may continue" the principal said, "uhm... well he started asking me really personal questions? Calling me really rude names so I, of course-" Principal Higgins interrupted again, "retaliated?" she said, "y..yes" I replied, "I know I should have just ignored it but it really got to me you know..", Principal Higgins sighed, "I understand, what was it that He called you?" She asked, "uhm.. well it was really foul I don't know if I can say it out loud" I said gingerly, Principal Higgins looked down and back at me with understanding, "you're not in trouble y/n, I've emailed Ms.Kelly and she said she can offer you some help, but to take this further Im afraid I will have to hear what Jason said", said Principal Higgins, "okay, well he called me an effing slut and a little whore, I have not done anything or provoked him to say any of this I think he just sees me as an easy target.. cause I'm different...we're different" I said, I could feel my face begin to redden again, "who else?" Principal asked, "me and Eddie, Eddie Munson have gotten really close lately.. and I think people are starting to notice, now I'm paying the price for it...", I sighed and slumped in my chair, "I understand y/n, we want you to feel safe here, but I'm afraid I will have to give you a warning for that shirt.. it's inappropriate and goes against our school policies and I don't want to see you wearing it on school grounds again, understood?" I nodded "Yes, principal Higgins" I replied, "You don't have to return to class just yet today, you are welcome to see ms.Kelly straight away and I will deal with this incident appropriately, but Thank you for being honest and doing the right thing y/n" principal Higgins added, "thanks for understanding, you won't see this shirt again, I promise" I said trying to smile while leaving her office.

Cold hands // Eddie Munson x y/n Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ