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I had woken up the next day, my nose was bleeding, "shit!" I shouted in a panic.. I've never had a nosebleed in my life, but I knew you could choke to death from them and they made a huge mess..
I ran to the bathroom to plug up my nose and assess the blood stain on my pillow, "shit shit shit!" I whispered as I removed my pillow case and began dousing it with water and soap in an attempt to remove most of the blood in the bathroom sink, but my mom burst in, "ohh no what happened? Is it the time of the month? Wait..How did it get on your pillowcase hun?" She asked, I froze, "well.. I've kind of woken up with a nosebleed, I'm sure it's nothing I'm probably just stressed with school and stuff" I said, "ah, give it to me I'll stick it in the wash straight away" she said, "thanks mom" I smiled, I could tell she hadn't been drinking as much last night as she was up at this time in the morning.

I got ready as quick as I could, dashing out of the house and heading straight to Robins.
I rang her doorbell and saw her standing there, "hey I was about to call you, we're going to Eddie's with food now, you ready?" she said, "always" I replied, "I'll take you in my car" I said as we left her house and dashed into my car, "wait, how long is it since you've started driving again?" Robin asked, "since this all happened" I replied, switching on my radio to hear Saxon playing gently, "you and Eddie are a match made in heaven, you know that?" Robin Scoffed, her eyes widened and she grinned, "wait, good news or bad news first?" She asked suddenly, I paused and glanced at her, "Bad news first? always" I replied quickly, Robin started laughing hysterically, with her arms flailing in the air, "oh my god you are literally made for each other!" She scoffed, "just wait till we see Eddie you'll find out why" she continued as I drove to the store.

We entered the store to also see Steve and Dustin, we caught each other just in time and they had already picked up most of the food, "wait I'll be two seconds" I said while running to the cereal section to grab Eddie's favourite honey comb cereal that I knew he liked, he said it reminded him of when he was a child before Everything got fucked up and downright stressful, I ran back to the group who stared in confusion, "let's go" I said, we jumped into a que to pay for everything then drove to ricks again, I sprinted from the car to the boathouse but decided to wait for everyone to catch up, I beckoned them over but Dustin busted the door open faster than me, "JESUS CH-" Eddie shouted from the corner as we all hurried in, Dustin smiled, "Delivery service", Eddie sighed with relief, I brushed past Dustin and headed towards him, "hey beautiful" he muttered while we hugged once again and he kissed me on the cheek, Eddie went to sit back in the boat as we gathered around to explain our plan while Eddie tucked into the box of cereal I got him, "so we got uh, some good news and some bad news, how do you prefer it?" Dustin asked, Eddie finished munching on his cereal, "bad news first, always" he said as if it were obvious, I immediately looked at Robin and she giggled slightly while I stood in disbelief and smiled, "all, right bad news, we tapped into Hawkins PD dispatch with our cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you", upon hearing this my heart sank and Eddie's face said it all, "Also, they're uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy" Dustin continued, "like 100% kind of convinced" max added, Eddie turned back to Dustin, "and the good news?" He asked, "Your name hasn't gone public yet" Robin said, "but if we found out about you, it's a matter of time before other do.. once that gets out, everyone and they're shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you" Robin said, Eddie looked down in fear and disappointment, muttering "hunt the freak, right?", "exactly" said robin,
Dustin perked up quickly, "so, before that happens. We find Vecna, kill him and prove your innocence" I looked at dustin as if he was an alien, "that's all Dustin? That's all" said Eddie sarcastically, "yeah, no that's pretty much it" Dustin replied, By this time Robin has balanced herself with a large oar, "Listen, Eddie, I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this before, I mean, they have a few times and, I have once.. mine was more human-flesh based theirs more smoke related, but bottom line is collectively I really feel like we've got this" she said, I stared at her in confusion similarly to Eddie, 'human flesh based? Smoke-related? What does that mean? I thought, "we usually rely on this girl who has super powers but those went bye-bye" said Steve as if it were nothing, "I'm sorry what? Super powers?" I said, "we'll explain later" replied Dustin, "but we're technically in a..-" "brainstorming phase" said Max, I pondered on what on earth they were talking about as it made no sense, "there's... there's nothing to worry about" Dustin smiled, Steve nodded in agreement while I looked at them both with wide eyes and a confused look, Eddie gave the same look - but suddenly we heard sirens, this wasn't good, "oh shit!" I whispered as Eddie took cover while we stared out of the window, multiple police cars and an ambulance drove past, "shit" said Dustin, "Come one let's go maybe someone else was murdered" Steven said, Eddie shot a desperate look at me and I couldn't just leave him here all day again, "hey guys, I'm gonna stay put, I can't just leave him here" I said to the group, Robin understood and nodded whereas Steve looked confused as Dustin steered everyone out of the room, suddenly everyone was gone.

I turned to Eddie and sat on the boat with him, "thanks for not leaving me y/h" Eddie said, "how could I? What you're going through is..horrible, even worse than horrible" I replied, edging closer to him, "I'm so sorry" I continued, Eddie dropped his box of cereal next to him and clutched his arms around my waist as we sat together, placing his head over my shoulder, we sighed together while gazing upon lovers lake where we'd only visited less than a week ago with a small picnic for a cute date, "you knew to get my favourite cereal" he whispered, I smiled, "maybe" turning my head so I could see him, he kissed me on the cheek again and we stared at the lake for a few moments more.

"So what have you been doing here? It can't be fun?" I asked, "well, apart from drinking beer and using playing cards.. not much" he sighed with a slight sense of humour, "I'm sorry this is all it's come to, fuck vecna... I'll kill him" I replied, "woahh easy tiger.. it's not all bad when I have you around, now that you're here" he giggled slightly, squeezing me tighter and closer to him, "how can everything get so fucked up in just one night?" I whispered, "I've been asking that same question a since Friday night" he replied, "and?" I asked, "yeah.. I still don't know the answer to that one.. maybe we should go inside ricks, I don't think anyone is around right now, but we'll have to be careful.." he said, "yeah..okay" I said, lifting myself up and getting off the boat slowly, he grabbed my hand and we made a run for it into ricks house, I'd never been into a dealers house before..

Cold hands // Eddie Munson x y/n Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon