Witch-hunt (huge trigger warning for mental health + self h*rm mentions)

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I didn't exactly know what I expected upon entering ricks house, it was just like any other house..
Eddie immediately crashed on the couch, laying for a few moments until he beckoned me over so sit on his lap, I wrapped my arms around his neck while we cuddled for longer this time, "do you crash here often?" I asked, "yeah sometimes" Eddie sighed with his eyes now closed, "I wonder what they're all up to now?" I sighed, "probably trying to save my ass, and probably yours from Jason.. but if He even puts a finger on you they'll have to do more than kill vecna to stop me from going to jail", Eddie smirked, "I loosened my grip and let my arms dangle as I rested my head on the back of the couch and his neck, he traced my arms as if making little invisible doodles with his fingers, however he started noticing the faded scars from when I struggled the most during ninth and tenth grade, when everything was at its worst, when I couldn't feel anything for the longest time apart from carrying around this constant dead weight on my shoulders.. and the bullying was even worse.

"Woah..What happened?" Eddie asked so innocently I almost laughed, but that would have been inappropriate and I would have made things awkward, "well, you know how I've dealt with bullying for like..my entire life" Eddie's face immediately dropped, "well.. I didn't know how to deal with it.. back then.. I mean I was pretty meek and not like how I am now.. I would never have told anyone what was happening.. so I kind of blamed it on myself and.. I guess to..to cope with everything, I did that", Eddie still didn't understand but he knew it was serious, "I'm sorry for being so slow...wait did they do this?" He asked with a scary seriousness I'd never seen before, "not exactly" I paused, I'd never talked about this out loud before because I didn't trust anyone, but I knew I could tell Eddie, I took a deep breath, "basically, I..I found a razor in my bathroom.. and I did what I thought was the only thing I could do and I just... but yeah I-I did that" I said while Looking at my arm, Eddie glanced down at my arm and then back up at me, he looked looked so sad but also sympathetic, "I'm sorry, sweetheart" he whispered, he began kissing my arm like when you kiss a child's scraped knee better, "I'm so sorry y/k" he whispered, "I usually wear all my bracelets to cover them up but I completely forgot this morning, I'm sorry today had to be the day when you found out.. I mean you've already got enough going on.. god Eddie I'm sorry", I explained, but Eddie didn't seem to care, all he wanted to know was if I was okay as he kept asking this over and over, calling me beautiful and perfect still, I felt so reassured and safe because of him, "you're my perfect angel, you know if you wanna talk about it or absolutely anything I'm always here, right?" He said, now looking me in the eyes, "Thank you" I whispered, now staring into his soft brown eyes which reflected the sunshine through ricks windows.

We spent the rest of the day scouting ricks house for any possible unexpired food and working radios, eventually we watched television at its lowest volume while embracing each other with the little time I had left before I was to be picked up by Robin when they're ready and figure out how to defeat vecna with the rest of the group..
But hours had gone by, I couldn't leave Eddie for the night again.
The sun started to set above the forest, Eddie and I got sick of watching daytime tv so we watched the sun go down, sitting in silence and contemplating the last 48 hours, "you're not leaving again are you?" Eddie asked, "Oh no.. no no I can't, not again...you've got me, it's okay..we're okay" I said while pulling him closer as we crouched in the back porch, hidden away from the world and observing the sky, his eyes welled up softly while I wiped his eyes and hugged him tightly, "we're gonna figure this out, I promise" I whispered as he cried even more, shuddering in my arms and rocking slowly, I'd never seen him cry this hard before so I knew it was serious, I rubbed his back as he calmed down, eventually handing him a cigarette and lighting it for him as I did my own, he stopped crying rested his head on my shoulder, "yeah.. we're gonna be okay" he whispered softly.

Suddenly we heard a car pull up, we looked at each other with fear and then heard banging on the door, we knew this couldn't be dustin, "shit!" Eddie whispered, "we need to hide" I replied, "yeah uhh.. the boathouse!" He said.
We ducked out of the way as we saw Jason enter the house with a baseball bat, my stomach dropped and I felt a feeling of dread wash over me, he wasn't here for good intentions that's for fucking sure.
As we heard Jason's friends pile into the house, ransacking every nook and cranny we fled for the boathouse, crouching under the windows as Eddie grabbed his radio, "hey guys.." he hit the radio out of shock and fear, "anybody!" He shouted into the microphone, but it was clear they couldn't hear us, Eddie glanced at the boat, whispering "never mind" into the radio again, I jumped in as He untied the knots and grabbed two oars so we could escape, and I'm glad we did as Jason and Patrick stormed into the boathouse as we were somewhat across the lake by now, but they caught on to this and immediately ran after us, removing their clothes to jump in and swim after us, "hey freak!" Jason yelled, "oh shit there's two of them!" screamed Patrick, pointing directly at me, I freaked out completely and manically rowed the boat faster as Eddie attempted to start the engine, "come on you've gotta help me out man!" He screamed while pulling the lever, "goddamn piece of shit! Nope? Okay then!" He whacked the engine hard and started Rowing with me as Patrick and Jason drew closer, Eddie was freaking out as much as me and eventually stood up, wielding the oar I front of them out of pure panic, screaming "hey stay back man! Stay back!" But we heard Jason yell "hey come on let's go we almost have them", I turned around to see Patrick glancing around in a rather paranoid manner, stopping in his tracks, "hey Patrick! Patrick!" Jason continued yelling, but Patrick couldn't not swim anymore as he had been yanked into the depths of the lake, my jaw dropped in confusion, was he drowning? I thought, but suddenly Patrick was hoisted high into the air, I couldn't believe my eyes as I dropped the oar into the boat and my hands covered my mouth, Eddie had fallen off the boat and I fell in with him, I was so afraid I would get pulled under but I had to find Eddie, he eventually emerged and immediately I began swimming towards the forest as I heard a few loud cracks, I turned around to see Patrick's limbs snapping and his jaw splitting, his eyes seemed to explode in their sockets as he fell fast back into the water, I gasped loudly and Eddie turned to me, grabbing my hand and and guiding me towards the shore, "come on we need to go" he said, "yeah" I replied while using the rest of my strength to escape the water.

Eventually we hit the shoreline as the water became much shallower, he pulled me up and we began sprinting away from the lake, I couldn't stop thinking about how everything was soaked, how were we going to contact Robin and the rest without our radios? Shit.
After a few minutes we reached skull rock and ducked underneath while catching our breath, I leaned my back against the rock with my head between my knees while Eddie stood, pacing and whispering to himself.
He had calmed himself and sat with me, "that.. that's uh, exactly.. what happened to Chrissie" he revealed, my eyes widened and I covered my mouth in my hands, "shit!... shit oh my god" I whispered, "yeah..yeah" he nodded while staring catatonically to the ground, I held my hand out which he took with immense speed, gripping it so tightly, "I'm so sorry, I don't what to do" I whined, but it was clear Eddie had now entered survival mode, "there's a building site somewhere here, I'll get a new radio tomorrow, but for now we're gonna have to wait here I'm afraid" he said, "yeah" I whispered as we now sat cross legged on the ground, we sat for what felt like an eternity as I ran around my head what just happened, reliving it again and again.. I knew I was in a state of shock as this felt all too familiar to when Gareth broke his arm when we were out playing in the woods as kids, we were barely out of elementary school but I still remember how his arm looked so mangled and disfigured, almost the same as Patrick's and how we ran to our house to call 911 as fast as we could go, I remembered the flashbacks of Patrick and how this will haunt me for the rest of my life, and Eddie's life. But TWICE...

Cold hands // Eddie Munson x y/n Where stories live. Discover now