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Today we go back to school after a 5 day break.
I got up and put on skinny jeans, a wrestling tee and my white converse. My hair was in a loose pony and I walked down stairs.

We took my car but Chase drove since he was picking up his friends. He picked up Tucker, Ethan and surprise surprise, Wesley. They made me sit in the middle.
"Why do I have to sit in the middle" I huffed and crossed my arms
"Because you're the smallest" Ethan said in a duh tone
"But it's my car"
"Hey at least you don't have to be with us when we go home" Tucker said looking at me

I felt Wesley grab my hand, I looked over at him and he smiled. I rested my head on his shoulder as we finished the 20 minute drive to school.


We all got out of the car
"Keys" I said looking at Chase
"Nah I think I'll keep them" he said smirking
"Pleeese" I wined
"Ugh fine"

I ran after him and tried to grab the keys but he threw them to Ethan. When I went to get them from Ethan he threw them to Tucker, who didn't know what to do with them.
I took my chance and jumped on his back to get them and he stopped moving.
"Give me the keys or I put you in a head lock" I said so only the others around us could hear.
"Dude she's not joking" Chase said laughing

Tucker gave me the keys and I got off his back.
"Thank you" I said sweetly
"Dang you go from mad to innocent in less than a minute. That's hot" Ethan said
"Woah back off she's mine" Wesley said putting his arm around my waist
"Ok well I'll see you guys when ever" I said walking towards the school.

"Jackie wait" I turned around to face a pouting Wesley
"Yes Wesley"
"Don't you mean your amazing boyfriend that didn't get a kiss from his gorgeous girlfriend" he said with hope
I kissed him on the cheek and turned back around.
"Fine I'll just kiss you when you least expect it" he said huffing
"Yeah yeah"


(1:45. Pm)

I have 2 class periods left of school which are free periods for me so I can do what I want.
I am currently walking to my locker for, I don't know what. Right as I was in front of my locker someone pushed me up against it, and you'll never guess who. Wesley.
"Yes Wesley"
"I'm sad" he said with a pouty face
"Why's that" I asked trying not to laugh
"Because I want my kiss"
"Then why don't you just kiss me" I asked with a small chuckle
"Because I'm polite and want to ask. So can I kiss you"

I answered him by pressing my lips to his, it wasn't a long kiss, but it was a kiss. I pulled away
"I have to go" I said smiling
"To do what?" He asked
"I want food" I said in a duh tone
"Well I'm coming with you, I'm sure mrs. perlock won't mind me missing her class"
"Whatever, but I have to be at the field by 2:55"
"Well we have an hour then"


After we went to get food we started heading to the field. Wesley was driving, it took him a bit to convince me but I finally gave in.
We pulled up to the fields and got out, I grabbed my bag from the trunk and my clothes bag.
"You care if I use your car to go grab my baseball stuff" Wesley asked

"Hmm, I don't know. Can I trust you"
"Ok then go ahead"
"You're weird" he said pulling me towards him
"One of my many specialty's"

He leaned in and kissed me on the lips quickly.
"Have fun in practice, I'll be back to watch part of it"
"Well you have fun in your practice and I get to help coach yours" I smirked
"Your coach will be gone for 3 months so Alex is taking over and I get to help"
"Does that mean you can get me out of running laps"
"Haha, no. I'll make you run more Mr. Murphy"
"Ok Mrs. Murphy"

"Whatever, I have to go bye"

Practice ended and all of us were sweating because coach made us run, also it was a long practice. I went to the locker room and changed into my black joggers, a t-shirt and put on my shoes. It was getting colder and darker out.

I walked over to the baseball field and decided I would just go home and take Zach with me instead.
"Hey Jack" Alex said throwing his arm around my shoulder

He's the only one who can call me Jack, not even Chase can call me that because that's what my dad used to call me.
"Hey. Where's Zach"

He pointed out to the field where the players were playing with Zach. Zach was throwing the ball and catching it with them.
"Awe, I've never seen anything like that"
"I know, it's sweet"

"Do you have an extra sweatshirt or jacket I forgot mine" I asked breaking our silence
"Yeah it's in my car, I'll go get it if you watch my boys and make sure they don't do anything stupid"
"Yes sir"

I sat down on a bench and waited for Alex. I saw Zach running over to me but he tripped and fell. He started crying, so I picked him up to calm him down.
"Hey, calm down Zach and tell me what hurts" I said softly
"M-my k-knee" he sniffled
"Ok but you have to calm down for me buddy"

I but him on the bench and rolled up his pant leg, there was a cut on his knee with some blood but not a lot.
I pulled out my phone to call Alex

"Hello" he said
"Will you get the first aid kit"
"Yeah what happen"
"Zach cut his knee, it's not that bad" I explained

"Not that bad, there's blood" Zach shouted which caused me to chuckle
"It's going to be fine"

Alex hung up and we waited for him. While we were waiting the team came over to see if Zach was ok.
"Hey you ok Zach" Chase said when he walked up
"Yeah but I cut my knee and it has blood" Zach said over exaggerating

Alex came with the first aid kit and jacket. He made most of the team go back to practicing except for Chase, Wesley and Tucker.

"This might sting a bit Buddy" I said as I wiped his knee
I pulled out a band aid and ointment then put it on his knee.
"You're all better bud" I said pulling his pant leg back down

"Thank you Sissy" he said hopping off the bench and hugging me.
"You're welcome"

Zach went and jumped on Tucker's legs, Wesley came and tried to hug me but I dodged it.

"Hey what was that for" he asked
"You're a stinky smelly boy, no need for a hug from you" I said pulling on the sweatshirt on.

"Well then how about 3 and a little boy" he smirked
"No, don't even" I said backing up as they all walked towards me.

"Too late"
I was tackled by them into a big hug
"Umm guys can't breathe"

"Sorry" that all said at the same time

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