Thirty-Six: Epilogue

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"Mommy! Hide me" Cameron, our 3 year old boy said running into our bedroom.
"From what?" I asked
"Daddy, he's trying to get me" he whispered
"Okay, get under the blanket"
He crawled under the blanket cuddling up to my side. The door opened and Tucker appeared with a smirk on his face.
"Hmm I wonder where my little Cameron is" he said and lifted up the blanket causing Cameron to scream.
Tucker started tickling him,
"M-mommy save me" he laughed
"Mommy can't save you, she's too weak" Tucker smirked

I pushed Tucker causing him to fall off the bed and land on the ground with a 'thud' and an "ow"
Cameron climbed back under the blanket and laid down.
"Is it time for bed buddy?" I asked
He shook his head, sat up and opened his eyes wide.
"Don't you want Santa to come" I asked
"Yeah but I'm scared to sleep by myself" he pouted
Tucker got off the floor and rubbed his butt, then sat on the bed next to Cameron.
"How about we let you sleep with us tonight but you have to promise to sleep in your room tomorrow" Tucker said
"Yeah" he nodded
"Let's go get you into your pajamas" I said getting up and picking him up. We went to his room and I helped him change into his TMNT pajamas. He grabbed his stuffed animal and went back to my room.
"I want Santa to come so sleep mommy and Daddy" Cameron said trying to climb onto the bed but he was too short so I helped him up.  To be honest this night is kind of reminding me of the Christmas 8 years ago back home with Zach.
We got on the bed and covered up in the big blanket,
"Goodnight my beautiful wife and adorable little man" Tucker said and with that we all fell asleep.

(Tucker's POV)

I opened my eyes, it was still dark out and Cameron had watery eyes.
"What's wrong Cam?" I asked sitting up
"I had a bad dream"
I set him in my lap to calm him down,
"What was it about"
"It was about mommy, she died and then you get really sad and died too" he sobbed
That broke my heart,
"Bub I promise you that won't happen, I love you. Now let's go to sleep so Santa can come" I kissed his forehead and he got under the  blanket and we went back to sleep.

(Next Morning- Jackie's POV)

"Good morning beautiful" Tucker said
"Morning" I smiled opening my eyes to see Tucker.
"Me should probably go stop Cameron before he goes crazy down there" he smiled
We got out of bed and walked to the living room where Cameron was looking at the presents in awe.
"Go get em bub" Tucker said patting his head.
Cameron ran towards the tree and started ripping open presents left and right.
"Daddy this one is for you. And this one is yours mommy" Cameron said handing us each a boxed wrapped in snow flake wrapping paper.
We started unwrapping the boxed while Cameron played with the new toys he got.

I opened the box, it had a picture of us on our first Christmas together, the one 8 years ago. I was holding Dail: aka the husky Tucker had got me. Dail was with Alex, I decided I would leave him with Alex and Zach since Zach can only stay with us once every two months.
"There's more turn it over " Tucker said smiling
I turned it over and found an envelope, I opened it and it was a plane ticket he had bought for Zach to fly here and stay for a month.
"Thank you so much Tucker" I said hugging him,
"You're welcome, I could tell you miss him and I'm sure he misses you too" he pecked my lips
"And thank you for the gift" he said pecking my lips once again.
There was a knock on the door, I got up to answer it. When I opened the door I saw The 14 year old Zach smiling.
"I missed you" I said hugging him
"I missed you too"
I let him in and shut the door,
"Uncle ZACH!" Cameron yelled running up to him.
"Hey Cam" Zach said picking him up.
"Will you play outside with me and help me build a snow fort?" Cameron asked with puppy eyes
"Yeah" Zach said and smiled.
Soon Tucker was helping Cameron get his snow pants, coat, gloves, hat and boots on. Cameron and Zach went to the backyard and started playing in the snow.

I stood in front of the glass windows and watched them play, Tucker came and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.
"Merry Christmas Babe I love you" He said kissing my cheek.
"I love you too" I smiled
It was quiet for 5 minutes just us enjoying each other's company.
"I'm pregnant" I suddenly whispered
"Huh?" He asked
"I'm pregnant" I said so he could here.
His face lit up and he kissed me passionately.
"Merry Christmas" I whispered when he pulled away.

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