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We walked into the house and Zach was watching tv.
"Hey sissy" he said standing on the couch and hugging me
"Hi munchkin"
I put him down and he continued watching tv.

I went to the kitchen and got something to drink. I grabbed a water bottle and I felt arms around my waist. It was Wesley.
He kissed my cheek and I turned to face him. I pecked his lips and hugged him. He held on to me tightly and rocked us slowly side to side. I pulled away and looked into his eyes, he leaned in and kissed my lips.

We pulled away and rested our foreheads together.
"We should probably eat now" I said laughing a bit
We went back into the living room and ate.


After eating, Chase came home so he watched Zach. I went up to my room with Wesley following. We sat on my bed and talked for a bit.
"I should get ready" I said looking at the time
"No, don't leave me" he wined
We were cuddled up on my bed, my head was on his chest and he had his arms wrapped around my waist.
"I need to"
"But I don't want you to, I just wanna cuddle"
"We can cuddle after"

I changed into my uniform and walked out of the bathroom, Wesley was still laying on my bed. I went and sat next to him since we had 10 minutes till we leave. He sat up and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly.
"I like your hair down" he said messing with it
I let him mess with my hair for a little longer. He stopped messing with my hair and I felt it, it was in a French braid.

"Well mister how do you know how to do that" I asked turning around so I was straddling him
"My little sister, I had to learn to do it to her hair" he explained
"And when do I get to meet this sister of yours"
"She'll be at my next game"

He cupped my face and kissed my lips passionately, he pushed me back so he was hovering over me, my arms were pined against the bed so I couldn't move.
Wesley pulled away a and started leaving sloppy kisses all over my face making me giggle.
"You're giggle is cute" he whispered in my ear
He pecked my lips then kissed my nose. But he didn't move after that.
"Come on, I need to go"
We got up and headed to his truck and off to the softball field.


We won our game by one point, we got 4 home-runs and since it was our first game that was a pretty good start to the season. Tucker, Chase and Eric came to watch and Alex came later with Zach.
"Good job babe" Wesley said kissing my cheek
"Yay, sissy won" Zach said running up to me

Everyone started heading back to there cars and I went with Wesley.
We were heading to my house but Wesley didn't turn.
"Where we going" I asked
"A date"
"Um how come I didn't know about it I look like crap and I don't want to wear this" I said referring to my uniform
"Don't worry I got it all planned out, we'll be there soon"

After a 10 minute drive we pulled up to the beach, Which was empty even though it was still light out.

Wesley came over and opened my door
"Thank you" I said as I got out
He grabbed my hand, grabbed a bag from the back and we started walking towards the water. When we got close enough he took off his shirt and looked at me.
"Come on" he said
"No, I'm not swimming in this"

I was now in sliders and my jersey.
"Fine. Here I brought your swimming suit" he said handing me my strapless light blue bikini.
"And you didn't tell me you brought this because..."
"Don't blame me. I'm a teenage boy, what do you expect." He defended
"Yeah whatever"
"You can go change in the truck" he said

I walked towards the truck with Wesley following.
"Boy I swear if you look at me while I'm changing, you'll have a serious throw down with my brothers." I warned
"Ok, I won't look" he turned and I got in the truck to change

I finished and opened the door which ended up hitting Wesley and caused him to fall in the sand. I started laughing as he got up.
"Best thing I've done today" I said shutting the door

He got up and looked at me with a smirk. I widened my eyes and started running.
I was running pretty fast and so was he but he stopped out of breath.
"Come on baseball player, you can run better than that" I said stopping and walking over to him
"You win" he mumbled
"Okay, let's go in the water"
I stuck my hand out and he grabbed it, but instead of me pulling him up, he decided to pull me down on top of him.
He then immediately connected our lips, after 3 minutes he pulled away and starred at me. He started leaning in again but before he could kiss me I grabbed a hand full of sand and shoved it in his face. He sat there shocked that I did that and I was just laughing at his face.

"You should probably start running now" he said
I got up off of him but before I even took 5 steps he threw me over his shoulder and ran towards the water.
"Wesley don't, it's going to be cold"
"Too late"
He dropped me in and I came up gasping for air. He was laughing and sat there with my arms crossed.

He stuck his hand out for me to grab, I grabbed it and pulled him down with me. Then he was the one gasping for air.
"Ok truce" he said pulling me towards him
"Truce" I said and kissed him on the lips.

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