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"Tucker you can't do that!" I laughed
"Yes I can and watch me"
"Fine but you're gonna get hurt" I said still laughing
So Tucker thinks he can slide into home head first shirtless and not get hurt.
He took off his shirt and threw it
"Ok you ready" he asked me
He came running and then down he went on his stomach.
"Ow" he said rolling over
"Dude you didn't even touch home plate" I started laughing even more
"I'm bleeding" he groaned
"Come on, we'll leave and get you better" I said sticking my hand out to help him up

He grabbed my hand and instead of him getting up he pulled my down on top of him.
He crashed his lips to mine after a minute I pulled away
"Let's go lover boy, you're still bleeding" I said getting off of him
He got up and we grabbed our stuff before heading to the car.
"Who's house" I asked looking over at him
"Yours" he sighed
"This really hurts" he mumbled
"I told you it would"

He used his shirt to cover up the blood. It's actually worse than I thought, a rock left a big gash on his chest. But it's not big enough for stitches.
I pulled onto my drive way and we got out, when I walked in Zach attacked me yelling.
"Hey buddy, I'll be right back we have to go fix Tucker's Cut" I said detaching him from me
"Ok I'll help"

We walked up to my bathroom.
"Sit on the counter" I told Tucker
"Zach will you go get a wash rag"
I pulled the shirt away from his chest and looked at it, I wet the rag and started cleaning it up. He closed his eyes as I did. Soon enough I was putting Neosporin on the cut, I looked up at him and he was already starring at me.
"I'm done now" I told him
"Thanks" he smiled
"Now we know not to slide shirtless" I said patting his leg and cleaning up

"How did you get hurt" Zach's little voice asked
"I slid on the field"
"Oh, well bye" Zach said and ran out
Tucker chuckled and then looked back at me
"How'd you know what to do" he sakes referring to his cut
"My grandma was a nurse so I learned from her" I told him
He pulled me so I was standing in between his legs.
He cupped my face and leaned in slowly until our lips met, it was a slow kiss, he pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.
"I love the way your eyes sparkle" he softly said
I blushed and looked away.

"Don't hide from me" he pouted like a little kid
He hopped off the counter and we went down stairs after he put on a shirt.
"Sissy!" Zach said jumping off the couch onto me
"I missed you" he saidand snuggles his face in the crook of my neck
"I just saw you not even 5 minutes ago" I laughed
"That's was 5 minutes too long"
Tucker chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Oh Tuck will you help me pweasssse" Zach said stretching out please
"With what" he asked
"It's a secret"
"Okay I'll help you in a little bit"
"Ok bye bye" Zach said wiggling his way down. We sat down on the couch,
Tucker chuckled and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Hey love birds" Alex said coming in the living room with chips hanging out of his mouth.
"Alex close your mouth" I yelled at him
"If you can chew with your mouth open so can I" he said sticking his tongue out
"That was when I was little doofus"
"Hey I'm getting my payback"
He sat on the couch and started watching tv. Soon chase came out of his room and joined Alex eating chips.
"Let's go to your room" Tucker whispered in my ear causing goosebumps to appear.

We got up and went to my room, Tucker plopped on my bed and I sat in my desk chair.
"Come cuddle with me" he wined and stuck his arms out.
I got up and laid next to him, he pulled me closer and buried his face in the crook of my neck.
"I'm glad I get to call you mine" he mumbled
"Me too" I answered back
"Let's watch movies" he said pecking my lips


We are on our 3rd movie, Tucker's head is on my lap and I'm playing with his hair. It looks straight but it's kinda curly/wavy and it's a dark brown with some blond highlights. His eyes were closed, I decided to stop.
"No keep doing that" he mumbled
"Let me lay down then"
He moved over so I could get more comfortable. He ended up putting his head on my stomach and I continued to mess with his hair.

His hand was on my thigh and he was drawing circles with his thumb. After 10 minutes he stopped doing that and you could hear light snores coming from him.
There was a light knock on the door.
"Come in" I said quietly but loud enough for them to hear. The door opened and It was Zach, he came in and hopped on the bed next to me.
"Hi sissy" he whispered
"Hi buddy"
"What movie are you watching"
"Batman I think" I answered
"Can I watch" he asked
"Sure" I smiled and he laid down next to me.


The movie ended and Zach also fell asleep. I watched other movies then.  I had to go to the bathroom so I carefully got up not waking up the boys.
I went to the bathroom and came back, Zach was now cuddling with Tucker and it was cute. I laid down on the other side of Zach and Tucker moved closer so his arms were wrapped around me but Zach was in between us.
"Goodnight Jackie" Tucker whispered
"Goodnight" I mumbled and pulled the blankets over us.

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