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Graduation Day pt.1

"I can't believe we graduate less than 15 hours from now!" Mack said sitting next to Ethan on the couch.
"Yeah" I mumbled partiality awake.
Mack decided to wake everyone up at 5am this morning just to spend more time together.
Tucker buried his head in the crook of my neck and wrapped my blanket around both of us.

"Why do I even have to be here I don't graduate for another 3 years" Austin complained
"I don't see why we had to get up this early" I yawned and rested my head on top of Tucker's.
"Well you have to be here because James is watching you and we had to get up so early because we only have 12 hours left together as high schoolers" Mack said excitedly.
Tucker, James, Ethan and Eric groaned as she got loud.
"What do you plan on doing all day?" Chase asked.
"Well we all eat then do whatever we want to do"
"Sleep and eat later. That's what I want to do" I said with my eyes closed
"Agreed" Tucker said

"Fine you two can stay here while we go do something" Mack said and stood up.
The others groaned and followed her to the cars leaving me and Tucker.
"It's too early to be up" Tucker mumbled.
"Yeah, I'm going back to my bed so bye" I said standing, making Tucker flop face first into the couch.
I shrugged and continued to walk to my room, I laid down on my bed and covered up. A minute later Tucker came in and laid next to me and getting under the blanket. 
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" I heard before falling asleep.

(12 hours to Graduation)

"Princess wake up"
I slowly opened my eyes to be met with the chocolate brown eyes that light up my world and the smile that could win anyone over.
"Good you're up, I'm bored we should do something" He said hovering over me,
"But I'm tired" I yawned
"But I wanna make a cake" he said sticking his lip out.
"Fine give me 5 minutes to fully wake up"
"Okay, I'll just cuddle you till then" he flopped on top of me and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"Okay times up lets go make a cake" Tucker smiled
We got off the bed and headed to the kitchen. It's eight in the morning and we are making a cake, we are weird people.
We pulled out all the ingredients and the other stuff we needed, we added the ingredients and then put it in the pan. Tucker put it in the oven and turned to me.
"You're gorgeous" he said wrapping his arms around me.
"Thank you And you're very handsome" I smiled
"Thanks" he said and pecked my lips. We decided to watch tv while the cake was in the oven.

When the cake was done I took it out,
"We should go get something to eat I'm hungry" I said sitting on the counter.
"Okay where shall we go then" Tucker asked standing in front of me,
"Let's go to your grandmas little cafe,"
"Okay but she better not embarrass me again" he huffed
I hopped off the counter and headed towards my room but Tucker stopped me.
"Where you going?"
"To change" I chuckled
"I don't think going out in public wearing your shirt and underwear is very appropriate"

I went to my room with Tucker following, I was gonna change into shorts but Tucker once again stopped me.
"You should wear this" he said holding up a simple white sundress.
"Where did you get that" I asked
"I bought it for you"
"Because I thought you should wear it the next time we go on a date" he smiled.
I grabbed the dress and looked at it, it has little triangles cut out around the waist area and a bit of gold around the collar. I went to the bathroom and put it on, I also quickly straighten my hair and put it in a side braid and walked out.
"I knew it" Tucker said as I walked out
"You look amazing" he said putting on his shirt.
"Thanks" I blushed.
I put on my vans that are grey and grabbed my phone. We walked downstairs, Tucker grabbed my keys and grabbed my hand as we walked out.

(11 Hours to Graduation)

We pulled up to the cafe and I immediately jumped out of the car.
"Slow down base runner" Tucker said jogging to catch up with me. He grabbed my hand and walked in, the place was a bit crowded, but not too crowded.
"Ah Jackie, Tucker" His grandmother came over and hugged us.
"So great to see you two today" she smiled.
"You too" I replied
"Well I've gotta go, it's pretty packed today" she said and left
"Old people are cute" I said as we sat down
"What?" Tucker chuckled
"They are" I defended
"And I'm not?" He asked
"No" his smile fell
"You Said you were hot, so you're hot" I chuckled
He smiled and we ordered our food, we talked till it came, ate and then headed back to the car.

"Let's go take a walk" Tucker said
We pulled out of the parking lot and he drove off. We soon pulled up to a little nature trail type thing. Tucker opened the door for me and helped me out.
"Thanks" I smiled
"Anything for my girl" he pecked my cheek and wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked.
There was a little bridge that went over a stream and I stopped on it looking at the water.
"Oh that's my new background" Tucker said looking at his phone screen. I was confused till he turned his phone to show me, he took a picture of me standing there and looking at the water.
"I look weird" I told him
"You look like the love of my life" he looked at me.
"Who's this love of your life you speak of?"
"You" he said and kissed me on the lips

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