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This will be a 2 parted chapter

We pulled up to a build a bear. Lame I know, but it's do what ever and Zach wanted a stuffed animal.
"Sissy will you make one with me" Zach asked
Zach picked out a fish and I picked out a lion, Alex decided to make one too so he grabbed a monkey.

We did all the stuff to stuff them and then Zach got a hat for his and we left.
"Ok I get to choose the next place" Alex said


We drove for 15 minutes and pulled up to a go-kart place. I couldn't help but smile, I've always loved go-karting. Our dad used to take us all the time.
We went in and paid, Zach could ride with one of us in the 2 seater while the other got the one seater.

"Ok Zach who you riding with" I asked him
"Bubby" he said reaching out for Alex
"Alright let's go"
We got buckled in and decided best out of 3.
I won the first race, then we switched so I was driving with Zach. Alex won that one.
On the third race Zach wanted to take a break so it was me vs. Alex in one seaters.
"You're going down bubby" I said to Alex. It's a thing we call him, I started calling him that when I could talk and I guess it just stuck.

"No it's the other way around, YOURE going down princess." And then there's my nick name. He always thought I was a princess so he just called me that.

"go" said the guy
I stepped on the gas and we raced the 3 laps.
I ended up winning. I got out and so did Alex
"Haha I told you bubby"
"Shut it princess" he mumbled

We got back in the car and we decided to get lunch.
"Where do you want to get lunch at" Alex asked Zach
"I want a slushy" he said
"Me too" I added
"I guess we could have gas station food for lunch" Alex laughed
We pulled up to a gas station and I got Zach out and put him on my hip. We walked in, me and Zach went to the slushies while Alex went to get something else.

"What kind" I asked
"The red one"
I filled up his cup and got myself an Arizona tea slushy. I went and got fruit snack cause they're the best and Zach grabbed chips.
We bought our stuff and went back to the car.
"Your turn to choose a place to go to" Alex said
"We should go to the beach for the rest of the day" I answered

We went to the beach and ate. Luckily the boys brought swim suits and stuff. They went and changed while I waited, the beach wasn't packed maybe 30 people at most. It was surprising but I bet most people went to the water park because it just opened up. I was gonna go but some people stole my car and went without me.
We swam for the rest of the day, I was kinda glad I didn't go to the water park, I got to spend time with 2 out of three brothers today.

(7:00 pm)

The boys just pulled up. I was mad that they took my car, it's probably a mess now and smells. I didn't plan on talking to any of them for a while.

They walked in laughing, but what was weird is that there was 3 more people than they left with and they were all girls. I looked at them when they walked in, they just walked past me and to the backyard.
One girl was clinging to Wesley and he didn't even push her off, I felt like I was going to cry. But I didn't, I just walked away and out the front door. I looked inside my car and signed, it has garbage and stains all over inside and worst of all there was a huge scratch down the side of the car.

I went through the the house and out back to them, I grabbed Chase by his shirt and pulled him inside. By now I was fuming.
"What do you want" he asked
"You're cleaning and paying to get my car fixed" I said trying not to yell

"No I'm not" he sneered
"And give me my damn keys"
"Here you little brat"
"I'm not a brat, you're the one that left me here and took MY car. It's mine not yours. You had no right to take it!" I yelled at him
"Quit being such a bitch, it's no big deal"
"I spent my money on that car, if you wanna take it ask me. This is why you can't be trusted by people!"
"Shut it bitch"
"Stop calling me a bitch"
"Well you are one" he said and slapped me

I fell to the ground and held my cheek, I looked up at him scarred. Before he could do anything else I ran out back to everyone else and what I saw hurt me worse.

It was Wesley and that girl, she was in his lap sucking his face off and he was kissing back. My vision got blurry and I ran out of the back fence to the front. I grabbed my skateboard and just left, I didn't know where I was going but I went.

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