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3 Days Later

I was sitting at the lunch table with Chase, Tucker, Eric, Wesley, James, Rebeca(Chases newest girlfriend", Ethan and Mackenzie.
"Hey any of you signing up for football this year" James asked
"I am" Tucker said
"Me too" Wesley and Eric said
Tucker swiped a finger full of frosting from the cupcake I stole from Austin this morning.

"Hey" I smacked his hand
"What, it's not like it was yours to begin with" he replied
"I did the work to steal it fool" I stuck my tongue out
"I still can't believe he didn't notice you took that" James laughed
"Yeah but on a second note this cupcake it good"
"Made by the one and only me" James smiled
"You should learn to cook Tucker" I whispered and laughed
"I'll learn when you do" he said and smashed the cupcake in my face.

The purple frosting got all over my mouth and nose, everyone at the table started laughing.
I gave him a 'really' look and he shrugged as he laughed
"That's cool, but not as cool as this" I said and grabbed Tuck's Face
I wiped the frosting all over his face and I even got some in his hair.
"Seriously Jackie" he asked
"Yes seriously" I glared
People around us started laughing too, I felt something being poured on my head.
Tucker poured a bottle of apple juice on me and smirked.
"Why'd you do that" I asked
"Payback sweetheart"
I sighed and got up, I grabbed my bottle of blue Gatorade and poured it on Tucker.
He looked at me with wide eyes,
"What was that for I'm wearing a white shirt" he asked
"Only payback" I smirked
"You two go to the principals now" A teacher yelled at us
We walked through the cafeteria without a word, then when we got to the hall I started laughing and so did Tucker.


We ended up getting sent home for the rest of the day.
"What shall we do all day mah lady?" Tucker asked
"I don't know about you but I'm taking a shower and changing out of apple juice clothing" I said walking into my house.
"Heck yeah I'm showering" he said pointing at his now half blue shirt.
I chuckled and headed to my room Tucker right on my trail.
I picked out clothes and set them on my bed while Tucker sat on the other side of my bed.

"You know I have a great idea"
"What" I asked
"Well since you asked, we should save water by taking a shower together"
"Why" I asked grabbing a shirt
"Because some places have droughts so we can save them water"
"Hmm it would be saving water but nah" I smiled, grabbed a towel from the hall closet and went into my bathroom.
I stripped down, turned on the water and got in. I quickly washed my hair and then just stood under the water.
I heard the door open, I looked out the curtain and saw Tucker smiling.
"What?" I chuckled
"Well you're taking forever and I need to shower" he said in a duh tone
"I'm done anyways" I said and went to grab my towel
"No don't" he said and took my towel from my hands.
"Tucker give me my towel" I said dragging out the word

"No take a shower with me. I'm scarred to be alone" he said acting like a little kid.
"Because why?"
"Because, I already took a shower"
"Take another"
"I don't wanna"
"You're mean" he huffed
"Fine will you stop acting like a little kid if I do" I rolled my eyes
"Then hurry up and take your shower fool" I chuckled
I closed the curtain and let the water run down my face, I felt arms go around my waist and a head on my shoulder.

I knew it was Tucker obviously,
"You're cute" he said
"I know" I smirked
"Of course you know but do you think I'm cute" he said looking at me, just like a little kid.
"Yes you're cute" I chuckled
He washed his hair and I turned off the water, he handed me a towel and wrapped himself up in one.
"What should we do the rest of the day" he asked
"Um sleep?" I said walking out of the bathroom
"Why sleep" he chuckled
"Cause I was up at 5am"
I dried off and put on my undergarments.
"Okay we can sleep then" he said tackling me onto the bed.

"Tuck let me up" I laughed
"No we're sleeping remember"
He was straddling me and laying his head on my chest.
"Let me get dressed then" I said, I was only in my bra and of course my laced underwear.
"No stay in that, it's not like we're going out in public or anything. Plus I don't wanna be weird and be the only one in underwear" he rolled off of me
"Fine, but get off my blanket I'm cold"
I got under my blanket and laid on the pillow, Tucker followed suit and laid next to me under the covers. He grabbed the remote and went to Netflix.
"You care what movie?" He asked and
I nodded no.
He played a football movie, I rolled onto my other side to face him, when I closed my eyes I felt Tucker's hand on my cheek.
He rubbed circles with his thump and lightly pecked my lips, I smiled and opened my eyes a bit.
"Stop being cute" he poked my nose
"I'll stop being cute when I die" I chuckled.
He laid back and looked at the ceiling.

"Would you ever want to get married" he asked
I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"Yeah" I said with a small smile
"Would you want kids"
"Do you?" I asked him
"Yeah I want 2 or 3 kids" he smiled, but still looking at the ceiling.
"What's your plan after you graduate" he said and turned to look at me
"I don't really know yet, I'm hoping I get a scholarship for softball, but I wouldn't know what college. What about you?" I asked
"Well I plan to make sure I'm with you after we graduate, we buy an apartment, and when we are 21 I propose to you, then we get married and we'll move into a house. Then after 2-3 years, we have children and we raise them and live happily ever after" Tucker said in basically one breath

"I love you" I said and kissed his cheek
"And I love you" he said rolling on top of me.
He slowly leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

Filler chapter

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