Chapter 6 - Bear-san Is Making A Guild Card. Occupation Is A Bear.

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I decided to make a guild card after returning from the practice field.

「In order to register, I will need your name, date of birth and occupation, please.」

Helen, who finished the arrangement for medical treatment, received my registration.

A sense of weariness showed on her face.

I declare that this was not my fault.

「Date of birth?」

「Yes, it is necessary to verify the age.」

「The age itself is no good?」

「The age on the guild card won't update without the date of birth.」

I see, if someone just gave their age, then they technically would be able to eternally stay 18.

However, what should I do about the date of birth?

My letters were from a different world, but hopefully it would be alright.

For the time being, I wrote 『Yuna』in Japanese.

I wrote the date of birth in Gregorian calendar format.

Helen saw this and said,

「So Yuna-san is 15 years old.」

It was conveyed properly.

As expected of a fantasy world.

Next was the occupation column.


「It will be helpful when someone wants to recruit companions for their request. It will serve as a reference.」


I reacted when I heard the word "Companions" but it was definitely not because I was a loner.

I'm saying, it definitely wasn't because I don't have any friends.

I have a few.

It isn't zero.

I had once been a Magic Knight in the game.

Whenever I encountered monsters, I targeted their weaknesses, using magic against those with physical resistance and vice versa. I was able to use both magical and physical attacks because I was a Magic Knight.

Unfortunately, it had been pretty unpopular in parties because it was such an ambivalent occupation.

If you needed physical damage, a swordsman was better, and if you needed magic damage, a mage was better.

Therefore, I didn't enter parties because it was a nuisance.

I don't want to be recruited.

「It's not necessary for me. Do I still have to write it?」

「It would be helpful if you could.」


Well, it was probably okay even if I wasn't a magic knight anymore, but what was my occupation?

I couldn't use magic and don't have a sword. Martial artist?

It wasn't like I didn't want to write it, I just couldn't.

I had a feeling that a voice from the heavens was saying that 『Bear』 was my occupation.

Name: Yuna

Date of Birth: Day XX Month XX Year 20XX

I ended up writing it.

Helen stared at me.

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