Chapter 46 - Bear-san Delivers Pudding

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I arrived in front of the Foucherose family manor after I left the orphanage.

Cliff was whatever. I was here for the sake of treating his daughter Noire to pudding.

I told the gate soldier that I would like to meet Noire.

The gate soldier knew about me and told me to wait a moment.

A short time later, Noire came running over from the front door.



Noire dove into my waist.

However, it didn't hurt, thanks to the Bear Dress absorbing the impact.

「It's been a while, Noire.」

「It's fine if you call me Noa, you know. So then, what did you need me for? Even if you don't have any business, I welcome you from the bottom of my heart.」

「I made a dessert, so I wanted Noa to try it.」

「A dessert?! I look forward to it!」

She tugged on my hand and took me to her room.

「So then, what kind of food is it?」

「It's a dessert made from a clucker's eggs.」

I produced a pudding from the Bear Box.

Of course, I didn't forget the spoon.

Noa took the spoon, and took a bite of pudding.

「It's delicious~」

「I'm glad you like it.」

「It's the first time I've eaten something this delicious.」

「It's not that big a deal.」

「That's not the case. This kind of melting, cold, smooth, and gentle-tasting flavor is a first for me!」

「Well, it's a flavor that women and children like, after all.」

「Oh, I've already finished eating it.」

The cup was already empty.

She stared at me wistfully.

「Just one more, okay?」

「Thank you very much!」

When I handed over a new pudding, there was a knock on the door.

「Noa, I'm coming in. I heard that Yuna came over, but...」

Noire's father, the feudal lord Cliff, came into the room.

「Sorry to be imposing on you.」

「It's not a problem. So, what are the two of you up to?」

「Yuna-san made this... pu..ri..n dessert that I'm about to eat.」


Noire ate a mouthful of the new pudding she received.

A child-like smile appeared on her face.

Just that alone made it worth coming here.

「Is it that delicious?」

Cliff asked me, after seeing his daughter's face.

「Yes, it's super delicious!」

「Noa, sorry, but aren't you going to give me a bite too?」


Noa blatantly refuses.


「No way. This is something that I got from Yuna-san.」

Kuma Kuma Kuma BearTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang