Chapter 37 - Bear-san Goes On A Snake Subjugation

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I was delayed by the Guild Master and Cliff, but I finally managed to head to the request board.

Rank D Board:

Sword instructor wanted, females preferred.

Orc subjugation, bring back the meat.

Fresh clucker's eggs wanted.

All of a tiger wolf's raw materials wanted.

200 goblin magic stones, no time limit.

Gather Meru Meru Grass.

Subjugation of Rock Monkeys on Whale Mountain, number currently undecided.





There was nothing that stood out.

I was interested in the clucker's eggs, but the location wasn't written. Maybe the person who had requested it didn't know either.

In addition, even if you asked for it to be fresh, wasn't that impossible for a normal adventurer?

Without a time-stopping item bag like mine, that is.

Though I'd go if I knew the location, just so I could find eggs to eat.

After that were the Rock Monkeys on Whale Mountain, but the undetermined number was a problem. I don't want to receive a request that has no end in sight.

If I hadn't been caught by the Guild Master and Cliff, there might have been other requests, but now it can't be helped.

I went to take a look at the rank C board next.


Rank C Board

A Wyvern's raw materials wanted.

Private escort wanted, confidentiality required.

Mermaid's scales wanted.

Request for the annihilation of the Zamon company of thieves.

Gather Histori Flowers.

Subjugate a water snake, bring back raw materials.

Subjugate a fire tiger, bring back raw materials.





The rank C requests seemed interesting, but I didn't know how far away the locations were.

However, I was surprised to learn that mermaids existed.

It might be a good idea to go take a look someday.

There didn't seem to be any interesting requests for a one-day trip, so I was thinking about heading back home, but I noticed that there was a lot of noise coming from the reception desk.

「Why is it no good?!」

「I'm not saying that it's no good, just that it will take time.」

「There isn't any time! My pops and mum and everyone else in the village will die!」

A short-statured boy was appealing to Helen while in tears.

「Like I said, there aren't any adventurers who can defeat a Black Viper right now. Even if I call for one, it will have to wait until tomorrow.」

「My mum and pops will...」

The boy broke down and started crying.

「What's the matter?」

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