Chapter 27 - The Rumored Bear Girl

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Author's note: Volume 2 will start from here.

Several days after the Bear House was built, it had become a famous landmark.

Before anyone noticed, a house was built in the vacant lot. Many were surprised that the house was shaped like a bear, and even the person living inside looked like a bear.

Around the Bear House, there were a lot of spectators observing from a distance.

For that reason, I haven't gone outside at all recently.

On the first day, I went outside for meals, but now I'm making and eating my meals at home.

「Big sis Yuna, I've finished dismantling today's portion.」

Fina came by every day for her dismantling work, so I've been giving her one day off for every three days she works.

Furthermore, her dismantling quota was five bodies a day.

For that reason, she was normally finished in half a day.

「Thank you, be careful on your way back home.」

「Un. Big sis Yuna, aren't you going to work?」

「I'll go...eventually.」

Certainly, I've been acting like a hikikomori recently.

At this rate, it's only going to get worse, huh.

Tomorrow, should I go to the guild first thing in the morning?

The next day, for the first time in a while, I woke up early and headed to the guild.

「Ah, Yuna-san! You finally came!」

Helen shouted as she caught sight of me.

You're being a nuisance to everybody!

「Good morning, Helen.」

「Geez, what have you been doing? I was waiting for you.」

「You were waiting for me?」

「Yes, there is a designated request for you.」

「A designated request?」

「Yes, the request came from Cliff Foschurose-sama.」


I don't know a person by that name.

「You don't know of him? Count Foschurose-sama is the honorable Feudal Lord of this city.」

「Honorable Feudal Lord?」


It seems like it will become extremely troublesome.

If you were to ask me what I thought about nobles, my opinion would be based on the royalty from manga or light novels, where they were an existence that invited trouble.

If possible, I don't want to get involved with them.




「I refuse.」


「I'm going home, bye!」

「H-hey! Hold on a second!」

Helen jumped over the reception desk and grabbed onto my bear clothes.

「What do you want?」

「What, do you really plan on going home?!」

「I want to sleep, so I'm going home.」

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