Chapter 54 - Bear-san Catches The Thieves!

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Late at night, Hugging Bear moved and woke me up.

「Hugging Bear?」

I rubbed my eyes.

Fina began to stir restlessly next to me.

In order to avoid waking her up, I used detection magic.

There was someone at a slightly distant location?

I observed for a while, but there was no indication of movement.

Hmm, it wasn't there when I went to sleep.

Had Hugging Bear reacted to that presence?

「Hugging Bear, if it moves, let me know.」

Since they might have just started camping out at that location, I requested Hugging Bear to watch it and went back to sleep.

There was no reaction from Hugging Bear after that, and I didn't wake up until morning.

When I woke up in the morning, I used detection magic, but it had not moved from that spot.

I ate breakfast without worrying and left when the sun rose.

I used detection magic again, for the last time.

The stationary party had begun to move.

If the other party were also travelers, it wasn't strange for them to move out at sunrise.

I advanced towards the Royal Capital without worrying about it.

The party followed behind us at a constant distance.

When we stopped for lunch, the other party also stopped.

If we picked up our pace a bit, the other party also sped up.

What should I do?

It didn't give me a good feeling when they were following us like this, and speeding up when we did.

In conclusion, we were being targeted, right?

If we were attacked, would it be at night?

Evening approached while they maintained the same distance from us.

Everyone began to prepare to camp out again.

「Marina, can I have a moment?」

Just in case, I decided to give a report to Marina, the leader of the bodyguard mission.

「What is it?」

「It's not good news, but we might be attacked by thieves tonight, so please be a bit more careful.」

「...Wait, what is that supposed to mean?」

「They have been following us since last night, so I suspect that it is likely for them to attack us tonight.」

「If you had already noticed, tell me earlier!」

「Even if I told you, nothing could be done about it. It's not like we can speed up, and there's still a considerable distance to the Royal Capital. In addition, we don't know when they will attack, and I was concerned that staying alert for a long time wouldn't be possible.」

「That might be the case, but at times like this, we should head to the Royal Capital even faster.」

「We would be done for if they attacked us when the horses became exhausted. In which case, moving around as one would expect is better.」

「Do you have any good plans?」

「Well, if it's only thieves and such, it'll be fine, one way or another. Just, it'll be troublesome if people moved selfishly. If possible, I would like everyone to stay with the carriage.」

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