Chapter 32 - Bear-san, Goes On A Junk Food Spree

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I was surprised when the number of subscribers suddenly increased.

Thank you for the large amount of subscriptions.

In particular, thank you to the people who subscribed to me when I first started writing.

Fina's mother was in excellent condition.

I think the term "complete recovery" would be more accurate.

Her name was Tirumina-san.

Tirumina-san and Gentz-san were going to get married.

Right now, they were looking for a place that a family of four could live in.

Fina's house was at its limit with four people living there. Apparently, Gentz-san was originally living by himself in a small house.

However, for some unknown reason, Fina and Shuri were at the Bear House.

「Erm, why are you also here?」

「I was thinking about giving the two of them, Uncle Gentz- I mean, dad and mom, some time alone.」

Was that something that a ten-year-old should be considering?

「Are we troubling you?」

「Not particularly. Even if four people came, it wouldn't be a problem.」

「Once we find a house for the four of us to live in, we'll be okay.」

「But, why are you studying?」

That's right, Shuri was studying her characters inside the Bear House.

「For me, my mother taught me my letters. However, in Shuri's case, mother was already too sick, so she couldn't teach her. I had to take care of the housework and earn money, so I wasn't able to teach my sister either.」

Though, even if I said study, it was just some characters written on top of dirty paper.

There was nothing to write with, much less practice paper to write on.

It was just memorizing characters by looking at them.

I wonder if it can really be memorized this way.

「In that case, let's go buy some study materials, you two.」


「It will take you a long time to learn if you use that method of studying.」


「You don't need to worry about the money. Think of it as a wedding present.」

「Mom is the one getting married though.」

「Don't worry about the small details.」

The two of them followed along and we left the Bear House.

They were holding hands.

The two sisters got along well.

First, we headed to the bookstore.

「Excuse me!」

I called out to the grandma in the bookstore with a loud voice.

「What's it? I can hear ya even if ya don't yell.」

「Excuse me, but do you have picture books for children? I want it for studying characters.」

「Picture books, for studying, eh. Then you'll want this one, this one, and that one.」

The granny brought over three books; some picture books and what looked like a character tables book.

For now, I'll just buy everything.

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