Chapter 23 - Fina's Perspective 3

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We passed through the gate and left the town.

Speaking of which, I didn't hear about our destination.

Did tiger wolves live in the forest nearby?

When I asked, Big sis Yuna said our destination was far away, so she'd take out something we could ride.

Take out?

I didn't understand what she meant.

I was told to move away a little.

Big sis Yuna extended her bear hands outwards and two objects, one black and the other white, came out.

What's that?

The large objects started moving.

They were bears.

They were really big.

I was scared.

They stood up and sidled over to Big sis Yuna's side.

Yuna-oneechan seemed to be hugging them and stroking their heads.

Then, while I was looking at Big sis Yuna,

「Don't worry. they're my summons, so it's safe. Come on Fina, you try touching them too」

She said.

I was scared, but I started to approach them slowly and touched one .

It was soft.

Somehow, the bears might actually be pretty cute.

It seems like the white one was called Hugging Bear and the black one was Swaying Bear.

It was decided that I would ride Hugging Bear.

I climbed on it's back.

I could suddenly see from a lot higher up, so I got a bit scared.

But, it was stable and I didn't seem to be slipping off.

At first we were walking, but as I got used to riding, our speed increased.

It was fun, and really fast.

The scenery flew by quickly.

It was the first time I'd come out this far.

We climbed the mountain.

Then, Big sis Yuna stopped.

It looked like we would be taking a break on a flat spot in the mountains.

Even though I was just riding the bear, I was tired.

I thanked Hugging Bear and climbed off.

After Big sis Yuna got off of Swaying Bear, she checked out our location.

Then she spread her arms out again and a house suddenly appeared in front of us.

I wonder what I should say here...

Once again, I went over what had just happened.

Big sis Yuna spread her arms.

After that, a house appeared.

As expected, I don't understand.

Was it really that easy to take out a house?

Such a thing shouldn't be possible.

Even a child like me knew that houses were supposed to be something made by carpenters.

Though, why was the house shaped like a bear?

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