Chapter 35 - Bear-san Uses A Hair Dryer

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「Well then, it's my turn to enter the bath.」

Gentz-san headed to the bathroom.

The four people who were left behind dried their hair with towels.

At this rate, it would take a long time for it to dry, so I went to my room and brought back an item that resembled a hair dryer.

I used earth magic to recreate a hair dryer's shape and then inserted a fire and a wind magic stone inside, thus completing the imitation hair dryer.

「Fina, come here for a bit.」

「What is it?」

「Turn around.」

She obediently came over and turned around.

Her hair, which had grown slightly past her shoulders, dangled in front of me.

I gripped the dryer and inserted magic power, instead of pressing a switch.

A warm wind blew out of the dryer.

「Hya! What is it?!」

Fina let out a small yelp and turned her head to face me.

「It's a tool that blows out warm air to dry your hair.」

I aimed some wind at Fina's hand to demonstrate that it was safe.

「It's warm.」

「If you understand, turn around.」

I dried Fina's hair and then began drying Shuri's hair next.

The sisters were both obedient children.

「That's quite a convenient tool you have there.」

「I made it because drying my long hair is troublesome.」

「When you're done, can you lend it to me too?」


I finished drying Shuri's hair and lent the dryer to Tirumina-san.

「Is it okay for me to go first?」

「Mine is long, so it will take a long time.」

「In that case, thanks for letting me use it.」

Tirumina-san dried her hair and, while I was in the middle of drying my hair, Gentz-san came out of the bath.

「That was a good bath. I was surprised by the bears though. Missy, thank-」

Gentz-san saw my appearance and froze.

「What's the matter?」

「You're bear missy, right?」

「Haa? Did you possibly hit your head while you were in the bath?」

「No, it's because...」

Gentz-san looked at the three people next to me.


「Yuna-chan doesn't seem to have an accurate view of herself, so it's useless.」


I didn't understand what they were talking about, so I continued to dry my hair.

While I was in the middle of leisurely drying my hair, Fina came over to give me a hand.

「Well then, I'll guide you to your rooms.」

I took the four people up to the second floor.

「Gentz-san can have the room at the back. There's only two beds for the three of you, but is this room okay?」

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