Chapter 61 - Bear-san Goes To The Royal Capital's Adventurer's Guild

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It was the third day since I had arrived at the Royal Capital.

I had planned to go to the Adventurer's Guild today, for the sake of reporting in Noa's escort request.

Another reason was that I wanted to see what the Adventurer's Guild in the Royal Capital was like.

Which was why I decided to have Fina go out with Noa.

It was because my appearance, combined with Fina's age, made it likely that an adventurer would pick a fight.

If it was just me, I would be able to respond to anything, but if anything happened to Fina, there was no way I could apologize to Tirumina-san.

For that reason, I headed to the Adventurer's Guild alone, while enveloped in a myriad of inquisitive gazes.

According to the explanation I received at the Commerce Guild, the Adventurer's Guild was located near my house, just a short distance down the road.

The Adventurer's Guild building of the Royal Capital was several times the size of Crimonia's.

If the guild building was several times larger, then the number of adventurers must also be several times higher.

Which meant that the possibility of being involved in some kind of incident was increased several times too, right?

Was leaving Fina behind the correct choice after all?

Even now, an adventurer with a scary expression was entering the guild.

So, I also had to enter that place from now on?

I felt like a kitten entering the cage of a wild animal.

You're also a fierce predator, a bear, right?!...I'm expecting someone to retort like that, please.

I pulled the Bear-san hood lower, so that I wouldn't make eye-contact with anyone, and entered the Adventurer's Guild.

The moment I entered, everyone's line of sight converged on me.

Bear, short girl, alone, did I have that many conspicuous factors?

A background chorus of whispering started.

「A somewhat cute Bear-san has entered, it looks like.」

「It's true, a bear.」

「A bear, huh.」

「It has a cute appearance.」

「A bear has attacked, you know! Someone subjugate it! Gyahahahahaha!」

「Hey you, you shouldn't say that, even as a joke, right? What if you terrify the girl?」

「Then, should I subjugate it?」

「If you approach it, the bear will run away, you know!」


I heard the sound of a chair falling.

「Bloody Bear...」

A man deep inside the interior muttered.

「It's better if you don't mess around with that bear.」

「What, you're trembling quite badly, you know.」

「It's better if you don't get involved with that guy.」

Having said those words, the man fell silent.

「What the hell is with him?」

「More importantly, someone call out to her.」

Kuma Kuma Kuma BearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora