Chapter 24 - The Bear Works Before Going Home

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Author's note: Even if I, the author, go to a parallel world and receive a cheat, dismantling is impossible.

I returned to the Bear House while riding on Swaying Bear.

Hugging Bear was curled up and sleeping comfortably in the garden.

Fina seemed to be in the Bear House.

After telling Swaying Bear to rest, I headed to the warehouse.

When I entered, I found Fina in the middle of skinning a monster.

「Ah, Big sis Yuna, welcome back.」

Fina noticed me when I entered the warehouse and greeted me.

「I'm back.」

「Big sis Yuna, you came back quickly. What about the Tiger Wolf?」

「Un, I defeated it. Sorry, but is it possible for you to take out just the magic stone to use for the proof of subjugation?」

The Tiger Wolf Subjugation request only required the magic stone as proof.

「That's fine with me.」

I took out the two Tiger Wolves from the Bear Box.

「Big sis Yuna is amazing.」

Fina was surprised when she saw the corpses of the Tiger Wolves.

「I guess it was pretty strong. Normal magic didn't work and its movements were quick, so I had to use my trump card.」

「Even so, Big sis Yuna is amazing, since you were still able to defeat it.」

「Thank you. So, Fina, did you go looking for medical herbs?」

「Yes, Hugging Bear helped me find some.」

「Hugging Bear did?」

「Yes, we were able to return quickly because Hugging Bear found some medical herbs immediately. When I asked if it knew any places with medical herbs, it took me to a place where they were growing.」

I didn't know that Hugging Bear had that kind of ability.

I'll give it a try next time.

Fina continued working while chatting with me.

Just by looking, I could tell that the pelts were stripped off beautifully.

She's quite skilled.

「Is just the Tiger Wolf's magic stone okay?」

「Un, just the stone is fine. I may ask for your help later, though.」

When she finished dismantling the Wolf, Fina started working on extracting the magic stone from the Tiger Wolves lying on the floor.

After cutting open their stomachs, she inserted her hand without hesitation and took out the magic stones.

「Do you know where the magic stones are located?」

She didn't hesitate at all when she was inserting the knife or her hand into the large bodies.

「The magic stone is often located in the middle of a monster's body.」

「Is that so?」

「Yes, though I can't say for sure, since I haven't dismantled every single monster before. However, I thought that the Tiger Wolf would have it in the same location as the Wolf.」

「Thanks. I'll put the Tiger Wolves away for now.」

I put the two Tiger Wolves back into the Bear Box after their magic stones had been extracted.

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