Chapter 40 - Bear-san Goes To The Orphanage

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I woke up early in the morning and greeted the day without feeling fatigue, thanks to the white bear. It was a pleasant feeling.

I took some eggs out of the Bear Box, cooked them sunny-side up, sandwiched them between bread, and ate breakfast.

If I could obtain rice, soy sauce, and miso next, I could have a real Japanese breakfast for the first time in quite a while.

There was no set time for my appointment with the guild master, so I ate breakfast at a leisurely pace before leaving the house.

When I arrived at the guild, a guild staff member immediately guided me to the guild master's room.

「You're surprisingly early.」

「That's because I immediately went to sleep yesterday. Isn't the guild master also here early?」

「I stayed overnight because of the Black Viper case from the past few days.」

「The Black Viper case?」

「After that, a lot of rumors spread about you defeating the black viper. We received many applications for the raw materials.」

「Although I haven't decided whether I am selling them or not yet..」

「I understand. However, even if you say that, wouldn't it be annoying if traders and general storekeepers followed you around, trying to appeal to you?」

「Are people that interested in it?」

「Well you see, the skin can be used to make protective gear. It is light and strong, and it has magic resistance, too. There are a lot of adventurers who want it. Actually, all of the parts would fetch a high price. There are various uses for the fangs. Finally, if the magic stone is big enough, there is a possibility of it being a B class magic stone. It's a material that anyone would want.」

「In other words, it's necessary for me to sell it?」

「It's your choice to sell it or not. However, if you don't sell...」

「Merchants or the like will follow me?」

「That's right. From the guild's perspective, I would rather you sell to the guild rather than somewhere else.」

「I'm fine with selling or whatever, but I want part of the materials and magic stone.」

「Ahh, I don't mind. If we circulate the skin and meat, things should calm down.」

「So then, where can it be dismantled? It's probably impossible to do it in the warehouse.」

The guild master also recalled the size of the large black viper and became worried.

「There's probably no choice but to do it outside.」


「It won't be a disturbance if it's outside the city, I think. Sorry for the haste, but can you bring the black viper outside now?」

「Mmm, alright.」

The guild master and I left the room.

「Let me gather Helen and the staff members who can dismantle. I'll leave behind the minimum number of people, so let's do this dismantling!」

Around ten people were gathered.

Gentz and even Fina were included among those people.

「I thought there might not be enough people, so I brought her too.」

Gentz explained.

I walked towards the town gate together with the ten members of the guild's dismantling team.

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