Chapter 13 - Bear-san Subjugates The Goblins

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I left with Rurina-san in order to subjugate the goblins.

「I will ask just in case, but Yuna-chan, are you planning on going dressed like that?」

She looked at the bear and asked.


Geez, I've already given up.

「Is that so?」

She looked at my bear and sighed.

「By the way, where are the goblins located?」

「They are near a mountain village, six hours east from here.」

「Six hours!」

「Yes, so it's better if we leave soon. I want to arrive during the day.」

Why are you telling a hikikomori to walk for six hours?

If it weren't for the bear shoes, a distance like that would be forbidden.

「I have food and water, so it will be all right.」

I'm not worried about that.

Incidentally, the place I had practiced magic was in the forest, near the west gate.

I sighed when I thought about the six hour walk.

If I had known the location, I would have refused.

It's too late now.

I walk away from the town feeling depressed.

「Umm, can I ask something? 」

「If I can answer it.」

「Why are you dressed like that? I don't know how strong you are, but isn't it a better idea for an adventurer to wear good protective equipment?」

Someone actually asked the question I had thought of before.

Q. Why are you dressed like that?

A1: Because I like this outfit.

(I don't intend to tell such a lie)

A2: I answer honestly and say that this is the strongest protective gear.

(I'm not an idiot who would spill her own secret)

A3: I can't use magic if I don't wear this.

(I'm not an idiot who would announce her own weakness)

A4: I lie and say that this is a keepsake from my mother.

(That isn't a reason to wear it all the time)

A5: I say that it's ordinary protective armor.

(I wonder if this is safe?)

「That's because it's stronger than common protective gear.」

「Is that so?」

「Although I don't know the material it's made from, the bear has good physical and magic defense. Also, this white bear is an item bag.」

I had already shown the bear box when I was shopping, so there was no reason to hide it.

I will just make her think that the bear is better than common protective gear.

「Then, that black bear is?」

「Power enhancement? It amplifies my power.」

I walked over towards the rock on the side of the road and hit it with a Bear Punch.

The rock shattered.

「I hit Deborane with this power, so it's no wonder he has a swollen face.」

Rurina seemed to be persuaded after seeing this bit of information.

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