Chapter 19 - Bear-san's Second Name Is Bloody Bear

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Breakfast at the inn was delicious as usual.

A life where you don't have to cook your own meals is wonderful.

While I was savoring hikikomori-flavored dreams, an energetic Fina entered the room.

「Big sis Yuna, good morning!」

「Good morning.」

I greeted Fina while drinking my soup.

It's warm and delicious.

「Wait just a moment, okay? I'm almost finished eating.」

「Yes, it's fine.」

「Elena, please bring a drink for Fina.」

Elena, who was moving around in the store, nodded and headed towards the kitchen.

「Big sis Yuna?」

「It's fine, so take a seat. I wanted to chat with you today, too.」

She obediently sat in the chair in front of me.

Soon after, Elena brought a drink over.

「To start with, Fina, there are a lot of things I don't know, so I hope you can teach me?」


「What are the things that are necessary for skinning? I don't know what they are, other than a knife.」

「Usually, just a knife is fine. If the sharpness is excellent, I can skin more cleanly. When it's dull, the wolf's fur can't be cleanly stripped off. For high-ranking demons, it's likely that a normal iron knife won't be able to cut into it.」

「What about Fina's knife?」

「It's an iron knife, but because Gordes-san made it, it's a good one.」

「What else is necessary?」

「Other than that, a place to perform the skinning, I guess? It's best to do it at a place that's close to a water source.」

「Just that?」

「There are a few other little things, like a grindstone or a place to preserve the dismantled raw materials, since the meat will rot after a while.」

「For the time being, a grindstone, a place to work, and a place to preserve raw materials. I also want to ask Fina one more thing.」


「What do you want to do while working on my request? Do you want to come along with me? Or do you want to wait here?」

「I want to come along, but I might become a burden.」

「Why do you want to come with me?」

「If I go with Big sis Yuna, I might be able to obtain some medical herbs for my mother.」

「Then, are you coming with me?」

「Is it okay?」

「If it's protecting a single person like Fina, it's no problem. Though, is it fine for Fina to stay overnight?」

「Erm, if I tell my mom in advance, it will be okay. She'll worry if I'm gone for a long time though.」

「Well then, let's go out on a day trip today. Can you tell your mother next time that it might become a two day and one night trip?」

「Okay, I'll tell her properly.」

After eating breakfast, let's have a relaxing walk to the guild.

We'll get a grindstone at the tool shop along the way.

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