Chapter 39 - Bear-san Finishes The Snake Extermination And Returns To Town

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The next morning, I woke up early.

The ceiling was different.

I remembered that I had stayed at the village chief's house.

As I got up, I heard a sound coming from the room next door.

The elder had apparently already woken up.

「Good morning.」

「Did I wake you up?」

「That wasn't the case.」

「In that case, I'm making breakfast, though it will be a simple affair, so please wait a moment.」

I spaced out while waiting, until breakfast was served.

There was bread, vegetables, and...sunny-side up eggs?

「Please have some, it would be great if it suits your tastes.」

「Umm, what's this?」

I pointed to the fried eggs.

「These are clucker eggs. Kai's father went into the forest first thing this morning, saying that he wanted to let Yuna-san eat it.」

「Umm, thank you very much for that.」

After I thanked him, I used a knife to slice the loaf of bread, sandwiched the vegetables and eggs in between, and ate it.


「I'm happy that you think so. Kai's father will also be happy to hear that.」

Since I was nearly done with breakfast, I decided that I might as well follow up and try asking about the eggs.

「Can clucker eggs be obtained in this village?」

「That's right. There are cluckers in the forest, so if you go first thing in the morning, you can obtain some freshly laid ones.」

「What kind of birds are they?」

「Normal birds make their nests high up in the trees, but since they aren't able to fly very high, they make their nests in thickets of grass on the ground instead. Other than that, cluckers can run away very quickly.」


「Since they were caught just this morning, I think I still have some cluckers and eggs left. Do you want to bring them home?」

「Is it okay?」

「Of course! You are our village's benefactor. It's not something that we aren't able to afford, so we don't mind at all.」

Eggs and pseudo-chicken get!

After I finished having breakfast, I started preparing to head back.

「Are you returning today?」

「Yes, because it's also necessary to report to the guild.」

When I left the village chief's house, Kai came over to me.

「Big sis, are you going back?」

「It's because the Guild Master and the group of adventurers are both heading here, not to mention that if I don't submit a report, it'll become troublesome.」

Before I started to return to town, I received about ten eggs and three cluckers from Kai's father.

This subjugation might be the one that I'm the happiest about.

It's a bit far, but let's come again.

As the villagers all expressed their gratitude, I departed from the village.

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