Chapter 59 - Bear-san Makes Flower Beds With Maid-san

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「Yuna-san! Why did you go out and leave me behind?!」

When we returned to the mansion, an angry Noa was waiting.

「Why, you ask? I ate breakfast and even waited for a while, but you didn't wake up and come downstairs.」


「So, when did you get up?」

「...Just slightly before noon.」

「So then, just where am I at fault?」

「You could have just come and woken me up, right?」

She said while sulking.

「Although I did wake you up during the trip, there shouldn't be a need for that anymore, right? In addition, wasn't your body tired during the whole trip because you only slept that much?」

「Un-, I understand. So then, where did Yuna-san and Fina end up going?」

「We went out to look for an inn.」

「An inn?」

「You see, the bodyguard work is over, so it wouldn't be good for us to stay here and take advantage of your hospitality indefinitely.」

「Even though it's fine for you to stay here as long as you want?」

「It's not like I've received Cliff's permission for that, okay? Besides, the place we're staying at is nearby, so you can come to play at anytime.」


「Noire-sama, Big Sis Yuna bought some land in the Royal Capital and built a Bear House there, you know.」

「Erm, a Bear House exactly like the one back in town?」

「Yes. It's pretty close, along the way to the middle-class area.」

「But...Fina is also going to leave, right?」

「Yes, since Big Sis Yuna brought me here.」

「But, if Yuna-san leaves, then the bear-sans will...」

As Noa understood, more or less, she grew depressed.

It's not me, but Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear that you don't want to separate from, huh.

「In that case, do you want to play with Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear for the afternoon?」

「Really?! Then, let's go to the garden immediately!」

Noa took me to the garden.

It was wider than the garden of the feudal lord's manor in town.

「Noa-sama, is something wrong?」

When we arrived at the garden, we found the maid-san who was always taking care of me.

「Suririna, what are you doing?」

「Yes, I was thinking of planting flowers in this garden, with the madam's permission.」

「But, are you troubled by something?」

She certainly looked like she was worrying about something.

「Yes, what should I call this rock...this 'boulder' is in the way.」

Certainly, there was a boulder several times larger than Swaying Bear in the garden.

「Why is there such a boulder in the estate's garden?」

「I'm not sure, it was already here when I started serving here.」

「So, what do you plan to do?」

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