Chapter 3: The girl

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It seemed like an ordinary day for me. Happy was walking along my side as I stepped down the sidewalk to go to Fairy Tail Highschool, yet again.

Because I was in town, and not at school, I was able to act like a normal person. It felt great. No rumors, not having to dress up in dark colors, even being able to be happy instead of my fake angry side I have to use at school.

"I wonder what will happen when school starts again, Happy. Will I have to sit alone again? I mean it would be nice to make one friend this year, but ever since that day...." Everything has been a disaster. No one believes me at all. What will I do?

I sighed and heard Happy meow back. I smiled at that. "Oh, yeah. Sorry Happy. I forgot that you will always be my friend, won't you?" I laughed as I suddenly bumped into something.

"Owf." I looked down to see that it was a girl about my age with Dark Chocolate brown eyes, and hair the color of blond. It was a wondrous sight. "Can I help you?" I couldn't help but want to get to know the girl. I have never seen such a beautiful girl in my life. Maybe Lissanna could be in comparison, but she is still so cute.

"Yeah do you know where the Fairy Tail Highschool is?" I looked at her and giggled. Wow. She really is my age.

Smiling at her, I gave her a true, straight answer.  "Yeah, as a matter of a fact, I am going to ride there now..." I then sighed, because I didn't want to go on the cart ride, but I just had to. I started to talk under my breath.  "...even if I don't do that well with anything that moves at all."

I looked at her, and she gazed at me for some reason. "I could take you if you want to. I don't mind."

I waited for an answer. "If that is ok with you, that would be nice." She smiled. Wow! Her smile is as bright as her hair is in the sun! I love it!

"I'm Natsu. Nice to meet you." I decided to greet myself. It only seemed right. She shook my hand when I put it out in front of me.

I heard a faint meow behind me. "What?" I looked back to see who stood behind me. Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. "I almost forgot to introduce my little cat, Happy. He is only as small as a kitten, but I still love the little thing."

I smiled contently as I went and looked back at her after gesturing with my hand at the cat behind me. I waited for her to respond, but grew impatient. "Here. Follow me." I grabbed her hand without thinking.

Snap. What am I doing. I just meet her. Despite what I though, I continued holding her hand and didn't let go. Finally we arrived at the cart station. We both got in and sat down across from each other.

I planned to talk to her, but when I was about to speak, my motions sickness said otherwise with it immediately kicking in. Here we go again. Great.

"Are you ok?" I looked up, still a bit irritated about the motion sickness, upon hearing the girls voice.

I tried to be nice, but it just came out almost like it would if I were in school. "Yeah, I am fine. Just don't speak anymore, because otherwise I may get sick." There goes me being normal.

Suddenly I heard a giggle from her. What's so funny about my motion sickness?

I tried my very best and clinched my belly to hold it in. My face was already collecting some, like normal, already though. I looked outside to see we were in Mongolia. Finally.

As soon as the cart stopped, I slowly slugged out without a care in the world besides the girl and getting my sickness to go away.

Barely making it out, I felt a lot better. "Now which way do we go to get to Fairy Tail?"

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