Chapter 15: What is the real answer to the question?

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At the top of my roof, I gazed at the stars, wondering if Lucy made it out safe. "Of all the people I had to fall in love with, why did it have to to be her. The girl who meet me while I was the normal me. .... Luce...." A sigh escaped my lips in the open night.

The sky was beautiful to me, and it really only made me think of Lucy more when I looked at it. Why am I looking at the stars. It's just too much on me right now, yet, I am drawn to look at them. I feel like.....I can at least.... feel her presents here.

Letting my mind wonder to all the events that happened after I had saved her as I closed my eyes and imagined it all in play again.


I stared down at the ground where the police officers stood. They were investigating the building that i had ran to the top of. I have to get out of here. I thought as I turned around fully to see if there was a near by building to jump to.

To my luck, there was one near by that had a lower roof. I just had to jump farther than I normally would. Here goes nothing but possibly my life. Wouldn't' do me much better if I got caught by the cops.

Taking a run, then using all my force to jump across the big gap between the buildings, I landed safely on the other side and climbed down the ladders at the side of the building.

Checking my surroundings, I made sure no one would be able to see me. No one in sight. Good. Quickly and quietly, I went around the corner of the block towards my house.

Finally away from the scene about a block away, I let out a sigh of relief, but didn't totally let my guard down. My pace did quicken again though, as I realized that it was getting dark, and if anyone caught me past curfew time, I might get in trouble.

Something fluffy and blue was suddenly caught out of the corner of my eye. Happy! And as I approached him I noticed he was hurt in a few places and carrying..... "Happy! What are you doing out here! I was wondering where you went earlier when you left out the door this morning! You made me worry!" white scarf I had given to Lucy that night.

Scooping him up, I took the stained scarf in my hands as well, inspecting it for any tears or major stains that I would have to get out right away. "Well, S**t." I saw a small blood stain on the end of the scarf, making me bite my lip and cringe, realizing whose blood it probably was.

The kitten meowed as I looked down at him. He has a small cut on his belly. Better get it bandaged up as soon as possible. Meanwhile, though.... I ripped a piece of my shirt off and wrapped it around his used to be pure white belly. "You'll be fine. I'll fix you up as soon as we get home."

Petting him, I began to walk. What am I going to do now....? A sigh escaped my lips. I remembered Lucy, and how she acted during the time I saved her. She went as far as getting revenge on me by kissing my cheek! I mean...I did deserve it and all, but still. That thought only reminded me also of the time I had kissed her in the rain.

My first kiss was with her. Why exactly? Well, now I know why, but back then, I thought I was crazy for doing such an act. Letting out yet another sigh, practically simultaneously right after the last one, I looked forward to see we were already in the forest of deciduous trees. Man, was I, or more like am I, weird or what.

Pulling up my left hand that I had on the white scarf, I let a depressed frown spread across my face. I had given this to Luce, and as far as I am concerned, she was planning to keep it. .... I think. The thought of her not liking it at all and planning to just throw it away flew through my mind. Don't think that way, Natsu!

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